Kit Harington went on The View the other day to promote his new movie Baby Ruby. He talked through a lot of subjects, many of them lighthearted, but he also touched on some serious subjects.

That included his stint in a rehabilitation facility, which he entered after the end of Game of Thrones to get help. That experience made an impact on him that inspires his thinking to this day.

“I’m a big believer in talk therapy and I went through a lot of that when I went through the thing I went through,” Harington said. “And I still to this day I have (for want of a better word) support groups that I go to where I talk and that helps me. And I do a lot of exercise which stops my brain going crazy.”

I think more needs to be done, especially for young men…to help them talk about things. It shocks me that the biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide.

Whoopi Goldberg shows Kit Harington her Game of Thrones toilet

But most of the interview was fairly lighthearted, with Harington talking about being a father to a young son as well as recalling his days on Game of Thrones. The panelists seem like big fans. Longtime The View cohost Whoopi Goldberg even has an Iron Throne toilet in her dressing room.

“I have to tell you, we tried for as long as Game of Thrones is on to get ya’ll to come do the show, but because of your filming schedules and stuff [it didn’t happen],” Goldberg told Harington. “So, this is a show that I, from day one, was my favorite, and still remains [that]. When I want to see something really fun, I go there. It’s a great show, and thanks for doing it.”

Hear hear.

Kit Harington can’t say anything about the Jon Snow sequel show

Harington also answered some rapid-fire questions about Game of Thrones. Some highlights:

  • No, he can’t say anything about the Jon Snow sequel show in development at HBO. “There’s nothing I can tell you on that front, I’m sorry.”
  • What was the most difficult scene to film? “It was trying to ride those dragons, which is just the most uncomfortable thing you’ll do in your entire life.”
  • The most fun thing? “Probably the cave.” Harington met his wife Rose Leslie (Ygritte) on the set of the show.
  • What other character would he have liked to play? “I would have liked to be Ned Stark, I think. One season, one of the best story arcs ever.”

Baby Ruby is out in theaters now.

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