Kit Harington seemed to have a whale of a time in Paris (Picture:

You know nothing, Jon Snow… about knowing when to turn down that fourth sambuca.

It looks like poor Kit Harington was left with quite the hangover after a lads’ holiday to Paris, as he was pictured giving the Geordie Shore crew a run for their money on the streets of the French capital.

Kit looked rather worse for wear as he emerged from a four-hour boozing session with his friends.

The 31-year-old, dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt despite the rain and chilly weather, was seen stumbling into the road in front of upcoming traffic.

His friends tried in vain to get him out of the road (Picture:
Kit visited Paris with a group of friends (Picture:

A friend of the Game Of Thrones star attempted to get him out of the road, with Kit eventually leaning up against a van for support.

According to witnesses, Kit attempted to get into a number of passing cars before his friend got them an Uber.

Celebrities – they’re just like us.

This boozy night out comes two months after Kit was booted out of a New York City bar after getting a bit too worked up about a game of pool.

Kit eventually leaned up against a van for support (Picture:
Perhaps Kit could join Geordie Shore once Game of Thrones ends? (Picture:

The actor was in Barfly in Gramercy Park when he apparently got into a row with fellow patrons and bouncers as he tried to continue a game of drunken pool.

To be fair to Kit, he’s probably just enjoying his last few months as a single man.

He is engaged to his former GOT co-star Rose Leslie, and although his trip to Paris looks like your average stag do, we doubt this was the main event – as the couple haven’t set a date for their wedding yet.

Rose admitted they haven’t scheduled their big day just yet, telling Town and Country magazine: ‘I’m trying to fit in my wedding… I haven’t tackled it. There’s just too much to do.’

At least Kit will have plenty of practice in for the stags.

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