Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been largely successful in wooing its audience, breaking records in terms of popularity, viewership, and box office earnings. The latest installment to the ever sprawling cinematic universe is soon to hit the silver screen, and fans are already hyped up about it. When it comes to TV, no other franchise has been as big and successful as HBO’s Game of Thrones. And very few actors have been lucky enough to be a part of both, and Kit Harington ranks amongst them.

The shift to the MCU is certainly a big step for the Game of Thrones star, however, his work ethic doesn’t seem to have changed. Talking to Variety, Harington explained, “Nothing really, majorly surprises me after going through those eight seasons of “Thrones.” It was as big as anything gets by the end, as far as scale goes. But moving into Marvel, it is a different beast, in more subtle ways than you’d imagine.”

Game of Thrones’ Richard Madden compares Marvel’s Eternals with The Boys

“What I like about the differences for me about these two things is I get to have lightness of touch in this, which I think is really important. It’s what I really loved about the Marvel movies — those little moments of kind of lightness, comedy, in amongst everything. And I saw a few opportunities for that with this character. Having played a majorly central part of a different show who was not comedic or light in any way whatsoever, not being the center of attention in this show and playing something that’s a little lighter was kind of fun.”

Do you think there is a comparison between Game of Thrones and the MCU? Talk to us in the comments below!



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