Now that Game of Thrones is over, the stars of the show are open to doing new projects. While the person that was arguably the lead star of Thrones, Kit Harington (Jon Snow) already has a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he says he would still be down to play Severus Snape in a Harry Potter prequel. Read on!

Kit was recently at the ACE Comic Con, and like we reported, he discussed his entry into the MCU. However, Kit also talked about another big fandom he loves, and that is Harry Potter. Speaking of houses, he said he believed Jon Snow was a Hufflepuff, but has a different choice for his own self:

“I am a Gryffindor. I’ve thought very deeply about it.”

He also revealed that his favourite from the series was either Prisoner or Azkaban, or Goblet of Fire. The conversation then moved to whether Kit would be open to starring in a prequel film surrounding the Marauders, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, to which Kit had an answer ready:

“Snape is the best character, ever. The storyline of Snape. Severus Snape is the most tragic, wonderful, brilliant…He’s a character you hate, and then end up loving. He’s just phenomenal. I don’t think I’m right for him, so I’ll play Sirius. But, whoever gets to play Snape, that’s a great character.”

Well, you can expect fan casting rosters to spring back into action now. What role do you think Kit would be fit for? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

The post Kit Harington says he would love to play Severus Snape in a Harry Potter prequel appeared first on Wiki of Thrones.



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