The filming of the final season of Game of Thrones wrapped up in July but, we haven’t received any official word on the exact date it will air in 2019. Not long ago, we heard plans of cast members like Maisie Williams – who had plans of settling down in a big house full of dogs after Game of Thrones. While Kit Harington had said he would like to get rid of his Jon Snow look.

But in September, he revealed to Entertainment Weekly that he would maintain this look as the series was in post-production and he may be called upon for reshoots. According to him,

“We just finished filming. You can’t tell because I look exactly the same. They own me; they’ve just kept me like this.”

Kit Harington doesn't care about that famous Jon Snow theoryDeviating a bit from his original plan, Harington had also revealed that he intends to shave but grow his hair even longer. He had also said, “When I shave, I look like a tired child,” which seems entirely true with his latest look revealed in an Instagram post by The Jamie Lloyd Company.

The post showed a reel of actors wishing Harold Pinter – the late British playwright, a happy birthday. Among the group of actors was Kit Harington in his long hair but missing beard, much to our surprise!

It seems the actor wants to abide by his new plan of growing his hair even longer. Like Harington, his on-screen aunt Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen) too had got a haircut, a few days ago. This truly confirms one thing – Game of Thrones will end its post-production soon and we might get a teaser or two for the new season in a couple of months!

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