The final season of Game of Thrones is coming up fast, and you can bet that a lot of fans will be celebrating with joyous premiere parties (and then downcast, funeral-like finale parties). But few are likely to compare to the bases that the Game of Thrones production itself threw for its cast and crew members as they filmed season 8. Kit Harington broke it down for us during an appearance on BBC Radio 6 Music:

“We had so many parties,” Harington said. “‘Cause every location we filmed in, we would have this party, like, to finish that location.

One of the greatest things about Thrones is that we all got on like a real house on fire and we loved each other very deeply and we had a good time together, so we’re going to celebrate that.

I’m guessing “got on like a house of fire” is a British idiom, because my first reaction to hearing that is not that people got along well.

We can, however, confirm that Kit Harington and the rest of the cast got down proper at a couple of wrap parties. And these are just the ones we know about.

All that said, the most interesting thing to come out of this interview may be that the revelation Kit Harington likes to listen to Harry Potter audiobooks in his dressing room before he goes on stage. “I’ve listened to all of them about four times,” he said. “It’s like meditation for me.” There’s gotta be some people out there who can relate to that.

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h/t Daily Mail



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