HBO just aired The Last Watch, a two-hour documentary about the filming of the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones. One of the biggest takeaways? That Kit Harington (Jon Snow) is a total softie.
Harington gets choked up twice. It happens first at the season 8 table read, where the cast members walk through the final six scripts as a group. Unlike some of his castmates, Harington hadn’t read the scripts beforehand, and he was clearly bowled over by some of the big twists. He whoops and claps his hands when Arya kills the Night King, which is adorable, but when they get to the scene where Jon Snow kills Daenerys, he’s clearly not ready for it:
Emilia Clarke is on hand with some sympathetic eyebrows:
Cue the video:
Later, we see Harington immediately after filming his final scene as Jon Snow: it’s the one from “The Iron Throne” where he faces off with Grey Worm, who’s executing Lannister solders in the streets of King’s Landing on the orders of his queen. (This was also the last scene for Jacob Anderson, who plays Grey Worm, and Liam Cunningham, who plays Davos Seaworth.)
Anyway, showrunner Dan Weiss gives Harington a hug and says some kind words. Then Harington says his piece:
I feel like my heart is breaking. I love this show. More than, I think, anything. It has never been a job for me. It’s been my life, and this will always be the greatest thing I will ever do and be a part of. And you have been my family. I love you for it. Thank you so much.
It’s sweet to see how much Harington cares about the show.
For more highlights from The Last Watch, head here.
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