

  1. Two things annoyed me in this scene. The unrealistic way Jon kept killing the dead instead of getting on the dragon which killed a dragon and eventually uncle Benjen. I mean, I can't have been the only one shouting at the screen 'GET ON THE DRAGON, JUST GET ON THE FUCKING DRAGON!'…
    Secondly, the lack of reaction of Danerys when one of her dragons dies really bothers me. The whole point of her is that she is a mother of dragons, you know what mothers do when they watch one of their children die? They flip their lids, they cry, they scream, and even if she was in shock it would have been good to see that kind of reaction after. She didn't seem like a mother at all.

  2. Does anyone else wish they did some kind of silent scream or she at least was held in place by Jorah as she ripped at her perfectly braided (despite flying a million miles an hour straight into a blizzard) hair? Instead she's like……………………………….. Damn. Lost one. That sucked. Now I only get to have 2 dragons.

  3. All because John wanted to fight the rest of the white walker the dragons were still in the area like come on john wtf man pretty sure if a walker got close to that dragon the dragon would just tail smack it but did anyone else almost cry when you saw the spear come out we all knew at that point it was going to happen

  4. He shoulda put that spear through daenery's head. Then the series could continue properly. Jon Snow can't fight Cersei, Daenerys AND the night king. Only 1 hero left in the show and 3 main villains? It's a bit out of hand but oh well…

  5. this was one of the worst episode (I do think twilight is a better love storry than jon and dany, i really mean it) BUT siing the night king (and not knight king i think?) killing the dragon was so gooooood! ^^

  6. I do not know why but this scene has affected me in a bad way. It was horrifying. Even more horrifying when he came back. I mean I know this is fake and all but I cannot stop thinking about this horrific scene. So much so that I don't think I can watch the final season to find out if the other baby dragons get killed.

  7. Yes, throw the spear at the far away flying, difficult target instead of the more imminent, easy target on the ground with all the important characters. As much as I love this show the suspension of disbelief required from the audience was exceptionally ridiculous this episode.

  8. i dont know why daeryns and snow are saying they are fucked .. they still have 2 dragons .. they have doraki they have unsullied.. three eyed ravine . maesters .. the north ..if i were them i would rand kings landing and find out how they made that harpoon … plus if jon snow or daeryns dies the red women and just bring them to life .. unless the undead cant fight for shit even the white walkers are not great fighters.. daeryns is making a pussy out of snow


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