Vanessa Bryant, the widow of basketball legend, Kobe Bryant has arrived for a vacation in Dubrovnik with her three daughters and a friend. Vanessa, whose husband was killed in a horrific helicopter crash in January 2020 along with their daughter Gianna, explained that she visited Dubrovnik because of her 18-year-old daughter Natalia. “Took my kids to King’s Landing. Total Cersei/Khaleesi move. Kobe allowed Natalia to go on a trip to Croatia with her class her senior year of high school but unfortunately the trip was cancelled due to COVID. I wanted to make sure that @nataliabryant got the opportunity to visit. It’s beautiful!” wrote Vanessa on her Instagram account along with photos of the family on a Game of Thrones tour.

Along with the Game of Thrones fan Natalia, Vanessa took her daughters Capri (2) and Bianca (4), and she was accompanied by her friend Catherine McDonnell, the wife of Pau Gasol, who played with the late Kobe in the Lakers.


On a family Game of Thrones tour in Dubrovnik – Photo Instagram 




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