Overall: plot-wise meaningless movie for the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars: The last Jedi movie review.

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  1. I think everyone overreacts about all the movies that aren’t the original trilogy.
    Now I haven’t seen the prequel trilogy but with what I know, they’re interesting (I do find the droids/clones and the huge planet-scale battles intriguing) and the the last Jedi has some good links/throwbacks to previous films. Although I did notice the acting was quite shaky in some places, I enjoyed the unpredictability of the movie.

  2. That end ground battle……urgh…..i have seen a bigger crowd turn up for storage wars. It was pathetic…5 walkers and a shuttle hovering over them. Ryan Johnson should never b allowed to make another movie. The treatment towards Mark Hammil disgusting……Luke should b main character kicking arse……..not some entitled Mary Sue millennial who doesn't even need to train to b jedi. I mean ok force could b strong in her…..but without training she should have cut her own fucking arm off with a lightsaber……… dog shit totally. Giant magnifying glass ??? Ground breaking…..wow. Disney shit all over lucas, original cast. Seems as though they spent 4 billion to purchase a popular medium to push their SJW PC FEMINISM GENDER IS FLUID SAFE SPACE POLITICAL CRAP on the masses.

  3. Rey’s parents
    Who Snoke was
    How Poe took out Turrets with only 2 shots per turret
    How Luke died projecting himself
    Why Leia wasn’t killed off
    How did 6 escape pods make up all of the soldiers lined up at the end
    And how all of them fit in the Falcon

  4. Rogue One was not quite as bad as Attack of the Clones, but every other star Wars movie (including Episode 8) is its superior.

    The Last Jedi is very close to Revenge of the Sith in overall quality, better than Episodes 1 or 2 but worse than the original trilogy or The Force Awakens.

  5. After the OT ended in 1983 the first generation who discovered Star Wars as kids decided not to follow or encourage Lucasfilm to release more Star Wars releated anything while we waited for the Prequel trilogy. Those people are the Simon Peggs, the Kevin Smiths, the John Campeas, RLM, and basically what I'd call the first wave of Modern Manchildren. These are the haters of the Prequels, the EU, and basically are the ones most responsible for the Backlash of Episode 1 not being a remake of Episode 4 (remember that because it'll come up later). After discovering the Plinket videos through social media, Simon Pegg (yes it was him) would go on to share it to any one who'd listen, making RLM a viral sensation over night and standardizing Prequel Hate and along with it, George Lucas as a punchline.
    I, nor did the og fans there from the day Star Wars debuted on May 25th,1977, would give a shit what people thought because we were used to any shit people gave us for liking something so nerdy by then. In the years following the release of ROTS, the fanbase still showed up because so much cool stuff being released like The 30th Aniversary Collection, The Force Unleashed Multi-Media project, The Clone Wars tv series, and by 2011 The Old Republic online game, Real Star Wars fans were just enjoying the ride as we supported them and they were cool to us. Even Pablo Hidalgo would answer questions fans sent in to the Star Wars Insider Magazine (the official magazine of the Star Wars fan club known as Hyperspace).
    Then one day in 2012, Star Wars was sold to Disney for over 4 billion dollars. Plans for a new trilogy were anounced, yadayadayada…but what happened in 2014 at the behest of the new Regime at Lucasfilm (KenedyFilm) was tragic. The Expanded Universe was DELETED from Canon.
    The fans who discovered Star Wars through the Prequels or The Clone Wars tv series or even all the great video games from Lucasarts over the years came out of the woodwork to join us in voicing how wrong it was to do. It left Disney without any other source material (other than the 6 films) to make the new trilogy. When you realize that what had sustained the continuation and growth of the franchise during the years when the films weren't in theaters and no was talking about it in the mainstream, Lucas kept growing the franchise fan base by relying on the Expanded Universe as the anchor holding all of this lore together. With every new tv series, or every new video game or any thing else released meant a continual organic growth of the Expanded Universe and by association the continued health of the franchise. Everything that once was would never be the same again.
    2015 rolls around and the Disney Corporation is heavily promoting The Force Awakens. The online nerd culture sites are jubilent to say the least and I'm seeing more and more interviews with the likes of Simon Pegg again. Now here's why this matters: Simon Pegg, just like his buddy JJ Abrams (director of MI3) is promoting the Force Awakens. George Lucas has stated in interviews that it was the producers of the film who didn't want his Story treaments, "They wanted to make something for the fans" Lucas has stared. But which fans were these? Why would Disney and Lucasfilm delete the Expanded Universe and then behind closed doors say they were going to make a film that would appeal to the "fans"? Because the people most vocal about their hate of the Prequels and by association George Lucas's continued involvment in the franchise are the exact same people who actually made Episode 7! No wonder they could only remake Episode 4. The entire film itself is a fan film for them and it's more about them getting to see the Star Wars film they expected to see when Episode 1 was released.
    That first generation of Modern Manchildren got their wish when Lucas sold Star Wars to Disney which I believe was the cumulative result of a continued negative common notion that has eventually became common knowledge regardless of it's falsehood. That being, the Prequels are terrible Star Wars movies who's fans of those movies are terrible human beings for doing so and George Lucas had ruined their chilldhood and Star Wars by creating them in the first place.
    Those are the people you are defending and excusing right now as Disney Star Wars has just shit on the Legacy of the character known as Luke Skywalker. You can call us "Bitter Star Wars Fan Boys" just hating because it's #NotYourStarWars but you make yourselves even more guilty of aiding and abeting the actuall "Bitter ManChildren" who you claim us to be. Class adjourned

  6. Thanks for your review now I won't even torrent it. I gave up after Force Awakens and Rogue One was decent for canon filler how the plans got stolen. Everything IS DISNEY CARTOONISH CHILDREN BABIES story character logic run thru now – lowest common denominator mentality. It's not even worthy of any Game of Thrones stolen tropes. I used to wish for a tragic Rey incest child of Luke & Leia(divorced)=genetic remade chosen one/aka Anakin, Disney SW isn't WORTHY of that EPIC FANTASY TWIST


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