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  1. Can we please get a John Oliver cameo in Game Of Thrones? that would be awesome and hilarious….. and hey if gets to seat on the Iron Throne thats fine by me, he'd do a better job then most people on that show! 🙂

  2. Guys, please take a look at what's going on in Belarus! Right now people have been protesting for months against a new law (that makes people who seem unemployed pay unemployment tax) but those meetings are mostly about how extremely poor our county is, how working class, elderly, students, ill and just generally poor can't afford medicine and to live. What happens though (what happened to my best friend as well) that police dressed as civilians grab the protesters, without introducing themselves, shove them into cars and take them away. People think they might get killed in some forest, it wouldn't be the first time. My best friend (who had two broken arms) spent over 12 hours in jail awaiting his trial, got a fine. His friend got kicked out of university and had a closed hearing for some reason. Some people get sentenced to jail. Maybe worse, we don't know exactly how bad it is yet. But they grab journalists, ordinary people, mothers of four, everyone… please give them some international heat. Thank you!

  3. LMAO this was one of the funniest promos I've ever seen, and definitely the funniest for any show currently running. BRILLIANT JOB. also fucking LOLZ @ the butthurt Trumpers. free speech is still a thing unfortunately. get over it. 😉

  4. Could only be better if he sat down on the thrown only for the actor who played the character "joffrey" walking up to the thrown and starting making pissy remarks as John Oliver starts to question how Joffrey is there since he died seasons before the latest. Ending with John Oliver saying "I am the king of HBO now" or something like that.


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