“The Dragon and the Wolf,” the finale of the seventh and penultimate season of Game of Thrones, is full of fascinating and unforgettable moments. One of the key scenes includes a Wight in King’s Landing, charging at Cersei Lannister in the middle of a vital and much-anticipated meeting. Seeing Wights on the show is nothing new at this point, but this particular scene proved rather challenging.

In a new episode of HBO’s behind-the-scenes series The Game Revealed, the cast and crew detail how the scene went down. For Lena Headey, who plays Cersei, the moment at first made her a bit “giggly” because she’s a horror fan who finally got to face off with a zombie in the moment. In the context of her character, though, she had to pretend to be someone who suddenly had to believe all of the fairy tales she’d heard as a child.

“She’s back as a kid, just realizing that everything her grandma, her nannies told her, was real,” Headey said.

For the crew, led by director Jeremy Podeswa, another set of challenges arose. As Podeswa explained, shooting this one Wight up close was much more complicated than shooting an army of them, as we see during the episode’s conclusion. From afar you can hand the job over to animators, but with this level of intimacy a new level of precision is required that Podeswa called “very tricky in terms of shooting.”

“You’re dealing with a Wight with a lot of detail,” he said.

Check out the clip below, and catch all of The Game Revealed on HBOGo or HBONow.



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