Jack Gleeson, best know for playing Joffrey Baratheon in Game of Thrones speaks at the Oxford Union.
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Jack Gleeson talks about his role as Joffery Baratheon in Game of Thrones but goes on to talk about his dislike for the ‘celebrity culture’ that comes with the fame of acting in such a successful show.
Filmed on Wednesday 27th November 2013

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Jack Gleeson (born 20 May 1992) is an Irish actor, best known for his portrayal of Joffrey Baratheon in the HBO television series Game of Thrones.

The Union is the world’s most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. It has been established for 190 years, aiming to promote debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.

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Filmed by Oxford Media Solutions



  1. Seriously, this is who you had at Oxford….??? I can't believe this. There are thousands of more educated or interesting people to speak to our youth. With a life time of experiences to share. Not some 3 year old…

  2. Great actor, I hated his character so much it made my skin crawl!! I’m glad he’s stepping away from Hollywood, I don’t want to seeing him, getting fucked up and on crack in 10 years because of the twisted stuff they do over there, yeah, I said it!

  3. It is so fucking annoying, and i see this everywhere not just on youtube, to hear in seemingly EVERY SENTENCE, the ever-lasting infamous UHHHH and uUMMMMM…. I can't sit here and listen to people waste my time and IQ by constantly and consistently spew those rancid little fiends, their names UHH and UMM, from their fucking mouths. When you write an essay, do you include UHHH and UMMM in your text? FUCK NO! SO STOP SAYING IT! You CAN consciously teach yourself to never say uhh again.

    Uhhhh let us do a uhhh…. test shall we? I will give you an example, umm, of how it sounds when you read these consistent little fiends. I want you to read it because uhhh when you're listening to them being spoken… Umm.. you don't catch the uhh,,, the impact i guess? uhhh the significance of their effect really. Uhhh, reading it is uhhhhh quite painful isn't it? EQUALLY PAINFUL TO HEAR IT!!! uhhh fucking stop saying Uhhh.

  4. My father and me went to see him at a comic con. He was very nice to everyone who came up to his table for an autograph. I went up to him and talked to him and he signed the picture I made with him exactly the way I asked him too. My father came next and conversed with him in Hebrew. My father thanked him for the autograph and the next guy came. Then somethng very strange happened. The guy in front of him stood about 190 CM and was muscular. Gleeson greeted the guy very cordial, put his hand out to shake the other guy's hand. The guy rebuffed him, would not shake his hand and said to Gleeson really mean, "I was just so happy to see you get what you deserve in Game of Thrones". Than it became very surreal. All of a sudden transformation occured with Gleeson. He turned into exactly what he is. A tough irish kid who grew in a rough neighborhood. You could see the sudden change that came over him. Gleeson looked him directly in the eye, than said to him and uttered every every sylable as he said it , "Well, F – – k you too, M F." The security guard who was next to Gleeson just there sat there, with his mouth open, in shock and did not know what to do. The security guy had not made a move. He seemed paralyzed. The guy who started the whole thing realized he had made a fatal mistake, quickly backed down and told Gleeson he meant it as a joke. Gleeson said, " Don't you ever talk to me like that or anyone else for that matter, ever again." The guy said "Sure thing Jack whatever you say." Gleeson signed the his autograph and apparently added something and handed it to him. The guy took it and scurried off. I would loved to have known what he wrote on that autograph.
    The part where I wrote that he was very nice to me and signed my autograph the way I wanted and my father spoke to him in Hebrew and thanked him for the autograph was all true. All the other stuff I made up.

  5. Fought oppression in America.. Is this Twerp delusional? How about in the Mid East or Africa or North Korea the List is far too long. and I am only 1 minute and 10 seconds in. Good Bye Jack Gleeson


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