Lena Dunham is her own worst enemy when it comes to her sex scenes.



  1. "You make yourself vulnerable and there's some very graphic sex scenes and you are willing to put yourself out there in maybe not the most flattering situations".

    Well that's one way of putting it.

  2. She looks nice and comes off as very likable in this interview. It could be that Conan is amazing and makes pretty much everyone likable, but it could also be that she's changed a lot for the worse in past four years. I guess she's always been a fervent hard left feminist. It's just way more metastasized and vocalized now that she's got a stable foot hold in Hollywood. Anyway, real shame. Now I remember why I used to like both her and season one and two of Girls.

  3. I hate how the (fat&angry&irresponsible) girls on "girls" HBO objectifies MEN like they are a piece of meat waiting for anything equivalent to girls in cast (besides williams) 2 use them over&over,

  4. Seeing the hate she gets you would think she had actually, you know, done something, as opposed to just being someone who says mildly dumb but ultimately harmless things every now and then. It's pretty much like the Jennifer Lawrence backlash, which is also dumb, but way worse. The things about her and her sister I don't really credit as significant because she was 7 and clearly couldn't have known what she was doing, unless she was some kind of evil mastermind at that age – which, given the reaction to it, you would think she was. That's common sense and anyone looking at that situation objectively knows that. I think people just didn't like her anyway and wanted something real to point to, rather than her saying a mildly off-colour thing in some interview, so they just picked on that. It's so stupid.

  5. Sex and the City is one of my favorite shows and I love how Girls puts an even younger spin on life in New York that seems more "real". I think Lena is a great actress and her show is so freaking funny

  6. Why is it that whenever a female says ANYTHING that could be considered controversial people go nuts? She wasn't making a joke about sexual slavery, she wasn't trying to be offensive, you guys are treating her like she's Trump or something, calm down.

  7. The other 3 girls on this show are all very very pretty, the fact that Dunham seemingly compensates the fact that she knows she's the fat, makeupless, 4th wheel, must somehow inspire her nude scenes?!


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