The much-anticipated and awaited final season of Game of Thrones is coming soon and each week brings in some or the other new update about it. We’ve had a number of interviews of the cast members like Sophie Turner, Gwendoline Christie, and others and more are expected as we cover another milestone towards April 14. And, this time it’s Lena Headey – Cersei Lannister from the show who had an exclusive interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Cersei Lannister – one of the most critically acclaimed human-villains in Game of Thrones has a lot ahead in the final season. While fans believe she is going to die this season, the Valonqar prophecy, and much more regarding her story arc, Lena totally roots for her character.

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At first, when Jimmy asked her about her long hair instead of Cersei Lannister’s blonde short hair (“Turnip” in Lena’s words), Lena replied:

“It’s a wig…It’s the itchy ‘turnip’…I wish I had burned it…Oh, I would burn it but they [David and Dan] would sue me but I’d like to…”

Lena then talked about finishing the filming of the series in October 2018 and being the twelfth one out of it but trying not to give away anything. Then, talking about receiving the scripts every season and the table-reads, she said:

“They usually give us all of them and if anyone says they don’t flick to the end, they’re lying…And then we had a big read-through. We didn’t do one until this final season when we were all in Belfast. It was really emotional.”

Lena also talked about being one of the culprits and screwing up during the table-reads the cast and crew had for Season 8. Like every cast member talking about being emotional in the end and what it was being on Game of Thrones for the last time, she revealed:

“I was like, ‘It’s been nine years, it’s been amazing, and I’m happy to go and find new things’, and then I knew David and Dan – our creators, were doing speeches and giving everybody these drawings of the storyboards, and I suddenly got really emotional at the end, trying to head down the stairs, and they all rushed up and trapped me. And then they gave the speech; it was really moving!”

What the new season would bring for her and other characters would be worth watching! Watch the full interview here:

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What was your reaction to Lena Headey talking about her final act on Game of Thrones and her infuriating ‘turnip’ wig? Tell us in the comments.



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