In the epic conclusion to our Game of Thrones Let’s Watch series, Michael and Gavin must give it their all to to protect Ironrath from House Whitehill’s grasp. Join FIRST to watch episodes early:

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Let’s Watch – Telltale Game of Thrones – Episode 6: The Ice Dragon



  1. I want another game to be made and have Asher alive and massively scared up along with Beshka, Talia, the other dude and Ryon, and have the them met up with the other two foresters and Gared

  2. I watched this series when it first came out and I loved it. I thought maybe it was just because it was something fresh, I thought maybe it was my obsession with GoT and my admiration for this game.

    However, recently after finally playing through Uncharted 4 and going back and watching the Let's Watch series of that I've had some better perspective. I realise it was last year you guys put that out and you might've already heard this criticism, but I thought I would give my two cents anyway.

    The reason I loved this series so much is for the sole fact that you guys didn't feel the need to talk the entire way through it. You guys didn't feel the need to make jokes constantly. While there is a place for that, I realise I love just as much, if not more seeing you guys being truly invested in a game and your genuine heartfelt reactions to the what is happening. Not saying when you guys are joking around is genuine but there is a stark difference between joking around and truly playing through a game.

    Like I said before I recently finished watching your Uncharted series, I'm sure you heard it already but you missed so much in that series, because you guys seemed you felt the need to be constantly talking. You missed so much in the story, which made you guys question so much that was clearly explained it was so frustrating!

    Watching this in comparison was such a totally different and welcome experience. I'm confident you guys will continue to grow and find that perfect middle ground, I've been watching AH since it's inception and you guys continue to surprise me.

    Keep up the great work guys! I hope there is more series like this in the future!

  3. It's funny, there's an ENTIRELY different scenario dependent on if Asher dies or Roderick does. There's a full on war with Roderick and Asher has to submit. I feel like they game them the ol switcheroo based on how they've been treated the whole game


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