Game Of Thrones star Liam Cunningham has said he wants the title of the show etched alongside his name on his headstone.
The Irish actor, who plays Davos Seaworth on the hit show, said having the fantast drama on his CV is like a “calling card of quality” and that it is the high point of his career.
“It’s a bit like being a Vietnam vet, it’s an absolutely extraordinary thing, and it will never come again,” he said.
“We were all aware that it was unique, and we will never ever do anything like this again.
“We might be lucky to get success from something else, but on my f****** headstone it’s going to be, ‘Liam f****** Game Of Thrones Cunningham.”
The actor said he thinks the television show has had a big impact on the film industry, reports the Press Association.
“It embarrasses them,” he said. “And so it should do. I think, for me, the long-form storytelling, which is what we have here – with a movie, that’s wonderful, but this long-form thing which people really love, because you get to see the transition.”
He added: “You couldn’t do Game Of Thrones in movie form, it would just be battles and bodices being wrapped up, whereas what we have is multi-layered,” he said.
Cunningham also said he thought people were starting to turn away from the superhero genre.
“How loud can you make the next explosion? How shiny is the next robot costume?” he said. “It’s just a rehash of old stuff.
“And it’s not just Game Of Thrones, there’s fantastic, dark, grown-up TV shows out there and there’s just so much money involved with getting a movie out there – they spend 400/500 million on PR and they have to get the money back, so it’s lowest common denominator.
“You take more chances because the budgets are lower on TV, and we reap the benefit of it.”
The final series of Game Of Thrones will air on April 15 at 2.00am and 9.00pm on Sky Atlantic and NOW TV.