I realize that this theory has been made irrelevant by several recent actions in the series – but I’ve still been very bothered as to why Little Finger (aka Lord Petyr Baelish) did the things he did. It made so little sense that I’ve gone back to figure him out!

And the Targaryen family trees I used came from:


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  1. I think a part of your timeline is a little messed up. Petyr risked his life trying to win Catelyn, before he left for the capital.

    One thing is what he says to others about the women he loves, but to be honest, I always saw it of a version of him having tunnel focus on the one top pedigree girl from his childhood he couldn't have. It's like the small geek desperately trying to win over the prom queen, even after he's become rich and famous and she's still living in the home town (happily) married to the local born wealthy high school jock.
    It's not about the girl, it's about the fact that he didn't get to have her, and all the things she for him symbolised about status and popularity when he was a teen. Catelyn was the daughter of his superior, and he was below her. He wanted *Catelyn*. The girl that said no. She's not really a person for him, she's a symbol of how he was just the tiny little nobody the big nobles would look down on, and when he tried to go for his teen crush, the big high-born Stark brute nearly killed him. Catelyn ended up the one thing he wanted, that he never could have no matter how much he succeeded in other things in his life.

  2. i was watching coraline and noticed that other whybe/wybe idk, looked a little odd and the face the beldam gave him like sge was telling him to stay quiet. it was also said in the movie that he told the cat about the beldam. maybe she took his speach because he was a threat to her plan. and the 3rd time coraline went to the other world. you forgot to add it. maybe they do have free will the ghost children are totally puppets but maybe they never died. maybe they are in there own version of the pink palace limbo. maybe the world works on coralines mind and she feels shes in danger deep down and wybe is the first person she meets so its him whos trying to help her. also not to blow away your work on the theory like saw dust but maybe she does transition to the real world. because maybe as long as the key exist the transition between worlds is possible without the door. the key may be the key to getting back. if the key is broken the beldam dies. it has to be a deeper meaning to the key. shed want it so bad. maybe its her life. and the buttons may mean something deeper. maybe they mean nothing just a weird fettish of hers. another of my theorys sujests she was daughter of a doll maker who abused her and after fighting back he locked her in a well were she met a fairy and granted her power to take revenge on him and she decided to help kids who she view as being abused. like ignoring needs. lack of love. she abducted them and gave them love and what they wanted the fairy didnt like this and tried to stop her. she absorbed the fairys magic killing her. and she soon discovers the magic comes from the love. and continues to use this drug named love she became addicted and didnt relize she was harming the children and she lost them ant saught out new children to replace them.

  3. I think you're right. Look at his actions. How did he try to get her love? Fighting a duel for her as the prize. Even then people are just objects. We know he chose after that to use his mind. As he built up his resources he would need to do awful things. Things he may not found honorable. Such as killing Catelyns only love. Starting a war that'll likely kill her and most her children.How does Little Finger get people to do what he wants? Instead of a lying to others. This lie of great love lost he told himself that justifies it all. As he's the hero of the story in his eyes. Now he's not only avenging his great love. He's saving a younger version and blank slate he can build up to be what he wants.


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