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How Will Jon Discover the Truth?

What Do the Others Want?

The Five Forts:

The Pact of Ice & Fire:

Asshai & Stygai:

The Maester Conspiracy:

The Crypts of Winterfell:

What Will Sam Discover in the Citadel:

The Deep Ones, The Drowned God & Chuthulu:

Legends of YiTi & The far East:

Dark & Disturbing Westeros & Beyond:

The Story of Rhaegar Targaryen:

The Reign of Dragons:

Ancient History of Westeros & Beyond:

Game of Thrones GoT Theory Theories Spoiler Spoilers Speculation Predictions Season 7 Season 8



  1. Well, we all know now that his plans were to turn the Stark sisters against each other. I don’t know when they “got a clue,” but obviously they ended up playing him…thanks to Bran. Holy Shit, the implications for this secret weapon are far reaching. I truly believe the Starks are back and have assembled a “dream team.” And it’s about damn time! Rewatching the whole series, it’s now more significant when Littlefinger watches all three siblings walking together in the court yard. He knew he had to do something quickly and I believe he sent a message to Cersei in King’s Landing, after he asked Sansa whether or not Lady Brienne would step in between her and Arya should those two go head to head. The look Sansa gives to Brienne as she walked out (after Sansa basically orders her to go to KL in her stead) makes me think that she already knew what Littlefinger was up to and she had to keep the game going in order not to tip him off. Either way, good riddance LittleAsshole. We all cheered when he finally got it in the end.

  2. "I'm the Three Eyed Raven." Bran said. Everyone else just looked around and shrugged despite not knowing what the hell that yet somehow convinced of the damning evidence against Littlefinger Sansa had found.

  3. Littlefinger was my favourite villain after Jahwe, Allah & Darth Sidiouse!
    I guess without the mastermind & puppet master we can call the show "GAME OF BULLSHIT" now… Whoever wrote this piece of shitty script wanted that George R R Martin shoot himself in the fucking head!! Watching the master manipulator begging & dying on his knees was a blasphemy & an insult to our intelligence!

  4. Petyr's eyes were filled with shock as he gripped the dagger protruding out of his stomach. Blood trickled down his bare skin to his partially opened breeches and he staggered against what was supposed to be their marriage bed. Sansa pinned up the bodice of her dress where the dagger had been hiding. She stared back at Petyr in cold triumph, a mocking smile on her lips. She waited for him to ask it…
    "…why?" She wanted to laugh as Cersei would've done after striking a fatal blow to her foe but his voice, queerly pathetic and vulnerable, made her uneasy. She hardened her words.
    "Do you really think I'd marry the man who betrayed my father to his death?" He made a choking sound. From shock, shame or blood, she did not know which. "Bran has known it all. He knew it when he gave Arya this dagger that was meant to kill him by your order. He knew it when you attempted to turn us against each other and Brienne against Arya. We know your secrets, Lord Baelish." Watching his familiar icy blue eyes be reduced to puddles did not give her satisfaction.
    "Sansa, I have always been your only friend. The only one who understands you."
    This attempt was so absurd, laughing came easily to Sansa. "You've never been my friend, Lord Baelish. You don't want friends like me." She echoed his words from the night of her rescue on the ship, after Joffrey's assassination. He coughed up blood and dropped to his knees but his eyes were smiling.
    "You've always been my best student." He was Littlefinger again with an inscrutable smile, weaving invisible tapestries of the fates, even when his fingers were bloody and growing cold. He didn't know it, but this strengthened her. She appeared to grow in presence like a shadow as a door closes.
    "I learned much from you. How to listen behind people's words for their true intentions. How to see the threads that connect events and people. How to swallow pain and unspeakable horror just to survive, so that one day, you may contemplate with a level head, how to ruin your enemy." Was that indulgence in his eyes, or just the glassy sheen of death? "You taught me to avenge my family, to not be a bystander to tragedy. Marrying you was an opportunity against someone who's hurt the ones I love. Remember when you said that to me?" The pain that made him grimace wasn't from the dagger but it was no less visceral. He looked like a little beaten boy, angry and tender all at once. She felt a cruel flame flicker in her stomach, stoked on disgust.
    "I'm a wolf and I'm going to protect my pack. I was never going to love you, Petyr." He shuddered. She had never called him that before and he heard Cat's cold condescension. He clawed at words to regain any dignity.
    "Where would you be without me? If I hadn't taught you how to survive?"
    "Yes. You've taught me everything I know. And all of those lessons have led us to this point." She ran her finger down the blade that buried in his belly. "You were terribly careless. But your most careless lesson of all was unintentional. You taught me your only weakness."
    "And what's that?"He tried to steel his grimace into haughtiness but he was losing the feeling in his face.
    "Me." Sansa pushed the dagger through his stomach with both hands until it brushed against his spine, then pulled it down so that it ripped through his intestines and broke his colon, all the while holding his eyes with an unmovable gaze.

  5. Jon due se qued como senora porque no save que arya esta viva muchos que dicen pobre sansa porque no menciona ajon que arya esta viva no digan que se le olvido briene tambien miro a arya jon digo crei que arya estaba muerta no quiere cer enogar a dedo porque dedo puede decir que fue complice en asecinato de su tia y que cren lo fue y ella sola cuando le preguntaron lo digo sola sansa la dulce y inocente sansa

  6. It pisses me off that people seem shocked that he's manipualting Arya and Sansa. He's the master of the game, he caused a war and killed a king without anyone knowing and people are angry because he's manipulating two kids… f'n ridicoulous.

  7. He knows too much for his own good. I really want to see him die at the hands of the Stark girls. I think he knows about Lyanna and Rhaegar and he knows many more things than he should. I was really hoping that Arya would wear Sansa's face and "get close" to LittleFinger and then have the real Sansa walk in the room or LF see her in the mirror and look back to see Arya taking off the face and ending him. I want to see him shocked since he seems to think he knows everything about everyone. The girls could easily use his face to help their cause but if they have any proof of his crimes Sansa may use him as an example to take back power and respect in the north. She kinda needs to do something.

  8. You know who the Gold coats works for the person who pays them. And he has the Knights of the vale who else knows who's under his little thumb. Baelish definitely is a turd I thought he was going to keep Sansa Stark for himself when she dressed in all black but instead he decided to give her too Ramsey Bolton as a sex slave .that's when I lost all respect for him. In Game of Thrones everybody gets what they put into it so I imagine his death being pretty gruesome

  9. Right before Littlefinger pushed Lysa Arryn through the moon door, she talked about how she had poisoned Jon Arryn at Littlefinger's behest, and Sansa was present for that. So there is at least one person who directly saw this conversation between the two conspirators. Now Sansa may not have understood everything about that little snippet, but if poop hits fan at some point and this topic comes up, Sansa may indeed remember and have something to say!!

  10. Oh shut up pleaseee you Drama woman you. "It would be most disappointing end"blah blah blah. NO IT ACTUALLY WOULDN'T. It Would Be His Check Mate, After all What Do LIARS Fear The MOST ?? The TRUTH! and who knows it ALL?! the 3 eyed Raven. so yes getting caught by the Raven is a PERFECT ending for a LIAR who thinks no one knows anything about him.

    Dont Get Butthurt i just hate ppl who think they know better than the writers and creators of the books and movies you watch.

    You are just a Fan of GOT nothing more.. with out youtube it would look like this … you sitting in your room and bitching about this into your DEAR DIARY shit. so be happy what you get and shut up. PRINCESS.

  11. Others have already said it. Little Finger's greatest strength and weakness is he's too good at playing the game of thrones.

    Sansa is his prodigy. She already knows all she needs to follow in his footsteps. She knows how to play politics now and as a result the only thing keeping Little Finger around is his personal worth. Yet with Arya around he is expendable because she will have no qualms in masquerading as him, tying up any loose ends that may have implicated the Starks. Sansa will inherit every clever plot he had in motion and undo any evil scheme with Arya as Baelish, truly uniting the north by destroying chaos itself.

    Better still, since Sansa knows Baelish incredibly well, it won't be hard for the Stark sisters to maintain the illusion that the infamous ladder climber will be alive and kicking for years to come. So imagine what connections he still has throughout Westeros and know Sansa and Arya will make one very dangerous duo, providing Arya doesn't do anything stupid.


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