Many fans have theorized that Game of Thrones Season 7 would be the last Season we would ever see Littlefinger. Most even say that he will die by the hands of Sansa & Arya Stark… But will this master manipulator really die next Season? Littlefinger has played the game as good as anyone, so I won’t rule out the possibility of him lasting until the very end of the Series. In this video, I present a alternative theory that has Littlefinger surviving & thriving once again! This isn’t something I’m sold on either, but it is possible. Comment below and tell me your thoughts. What do you see happening to this man next Season? Let me know. Thanks for watching!

Images from Game of Thrones are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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  1. I made a prediction video already about how I think Littlefinger will die next Season, but I wanted to present a different possibility… Will it happen? Probably not, but it's fun to speculate other angles. Thanks for watching!

  2. Im gonna be so fucking mad if Sansa outplays LF , she is one of the most annoying and dumbest characters on the show. There is no way LF is dumb enough to not know that sansa or arya will try to kill him

  3. Hi, I wanted to share my thoughts on Little Finger. I dont think that Sansa will fall into anymore of his traps and once Little Finger realizes that Sansa has smartened up, he will flee Winterfell and go back to Kingslanding, back to Cersi. I think he will try to give Cersi a false report about the battle of the bastards. Little Finger had commented to Sansa that he had declared for the Starks. I believe that Cersi has heard his declaration and she will be the one to have Little Finger beheaded by Sir Elyn Pane. Little Finger is manipulative but Cersi is evil.

  4. I think this video is spot on! I haven't thought for one moment that Little Finger would die in 7. I actually think Sonsa will. I think at least one Stark will die and Sonsa is the one. Great video

  5. it would make sense for him to approach cersei as by now everyone knows she is sitting on the iron throne. it would be his last hope really. no one else cares whether he lives or dies and cersei would love to have an ally in the north who could potentially being sansa's life to a premature end

  6. I agree with this theory actually I fully expect Little Finger to get back in touch with Cersei. In fact in that scene where everyone believes Sansa and Arya will kill him, I think they actually have it backwards and Little Finger might kill Sansa instead. Because as you said she knows all abouts his schemes in the Vale, along with he and Olenna framing Tyrion for Joffrey's murder which they in fact caused, at least in the show. Therefore the instant she's done and cuts ties with him Sansa becomes a liability he really does not need. Especially if cersei and Tyrion ever find out about LF's involvement in Joffrey's murder. Tyrion will care about the framing him bit, Cersei won't care about that part but she'll care a whole damn lot about the murderers being punished

  7. Little Finger is a master manipulator. If he really meant what he said to Sanza, then because of her reaction he could already have or is considering other options. Did he mean it, though? Might giving a false admission of his intention be away of distracting her from his true one? It is possible that that could be to be the power behind the throne, whoever sits on it. With the chance of his involvement in the murder of Joffrey being told of by the Queen of Thrones, will he see Dany as his best option? On the other hand if that involvement is not brought to light, he could offer his services to her as a spy and do the same for Cersie, but serving non but himself. Being too clever by half may be his downfall as may also not paying enough attention to other players like Arya. However, a poetic end for him would be if he was played the way he plays others, to learn he is a piece on the board, not the mover of pieces. The game analogy applied to Little Finger fits in with the greater one of the show.

  8. What an amazing video, the quality and creativity standards are very high. I'v inly seen a couple of video's from this channel but this will soon change. Thank you for putting this great content online!! Very big fan

  9. i read somewhere that lena heady has a contract through season 8, so cersei is not going to die season 7. which is good really, and littlefinger maybe should survive too, because if the entire season 8 is just battle for dawn- with no scheming for power or 'games of thrones'- it would be boring.

  10. Littlefinger told Sansa, "I've declared for house Stark for all to hear," so I doubt he could go near Cersei at this point.

    Love the channel. Do you think it could be useful for Arya to kill Littlefinger and use his face for any reason? More interestingly, whose faces can you see her using in these last seasons? We know she's headed north, which means her first priority will be getting to Winterfell to reunite with Jon and Sansa. But I can't see her list waiting too long. If she doesn't run into Melisandra or Beric D first, I'd think Cerdei would be her next target. I could see her possibly using a face to sneak into King's Landing, get Jaime alone, kill him, and use his face to get close to Cersei. This would sort of still fulfill the V prophesy. But Cersei is a pretty huge character, so I think her death will have to be at the hands of someone or something that would hopefully provide some sort of poetic justice. Could be Arya via Jaime's face, Jaime himself, or best of all, Tyrion. Obviously she'll want to go after the Mountain too, but that might not be so easy, though it would be awesome to see. I just really wanna see Arya clean up as many bitches as possible next season. We need more epic Arya revenge. Her training is complete. Think it's time to add some names to the list?

  11. You are too much!!! I love it 🙂

    I agree, Sansa is too old for him now. She's smartened up. If she was Sansa of season 1, yeah. I don't want to see littlefinger or Cersei die in S7, but with 6eps in S8, characters need to go. I don't think Cersei has significance in the final battle

  12. Hmmm, i think Aria with her learned skills as a face changer will attempt killing him. But will fail and she gets away leaving him wounded. she will not be known to him because of face change. she will convey who sent her and why tho. this will give him another chance to flee but with the power of Snow to allow him a future return.

  13. Yes LF is the best at the game. He's always been it it for himself. People don't seem to be talking about his one weakness though, and that is is his obsession with Cat, which has been transferred to Sansa. I think that's exactly what will get him killed. At least I hope so. That's pretty much the only way for Sansa to be redeemed. Like many people I can't stand her. Never could. Whenever I come to a Sansa chapter in the books I sigh and put it down for days. Takes me a while to work up the strength to plow through it.

  14. It's possible LF could still betray Sansa, but I don't think he will because Sansa herself and her blood is more important to him than just taking things and wanting to be allies w/Crazy Cersei again. I think he just said that to Cersei to keep her out of it, but also so he isn't found out to be lying later, so he had to tell her where Sansa was. He didn't mention how HE was the one who put her there of course. LF's one weakness was Catelyn though and now its her daughter so I don't think he'd sell her out – again, so to speak or fully. He kind of did when he married her to Ramsey in the show but he didn't know he was a monster and didn't intend for that marriage to last either way I'm sure. In the books it's deeper than that though, as I heard a theory about it a long time ago by one of these channels. Maybe Preston Jacobs but not sure. About how the Whent blood in Sansa is what's important and ties into Harrenhal and how LF wants that too. He doesn't want just the throne. It's bigger than that.

  15. i think he is gonna get out smarted. yes littlefinger will probably be around till the end of season7 but that sansa will see past his manipulations. i think its gonna come outvthat he was behind everything including the lie that rheagar stole lyanna.

  16. Isn't Littlefingers position at winterfell quite powerful at the moment. With or without Sansa as lady of Winterfell/Queen in the North? I mean Littlefinger does command the possibly strongest army in Winterfell at the moment. Even if Jon can add the remains of ramsays forces to his and get the nights watch back… Their would probably still be enough Vale soldiers to match the combined might of the North. Plus there are even more men up in the vale. The Vale at the moment is in a very powerful position, because unlike the north it has not bled so far, and the north might even rely on the vale for corn to some degree. And Jon can't really risk alienating Littlefinger and losing the Vale forces with the dead marching toward the wall. He knows that… In all honesty, naming him King in the North at that moment is nothing short of stupid – even worse than when Robb did it back in season 2. After all the North can't really hope to fend off against the white Walker alone, can he? Even with the Vale forces…
    Sure, they could try to kill Littlefinger, and find another leader from the Vale or sweetrobin to sign to their cause… But they'd really need to offer the Vale a lot… Because if I were leader of the Vale, and I knew, the North relied on me, and needed my forces to survive, plus the winter is coming, so the north won't be good for much really… I wouldn't blindly join forces with them without checking my stand with the Lannisters first. Unlike with the Riverlands, the Vale doesn't even border directly to the North. And the only reason the Riverlands actually ever joined the North, was because of the Tully-Stark alliance, that would be gone under Jon, and doesn't even concern the Vale that much.

  17. Littlefinger tried to have Bran Stark killed, he'd set it up when the Lannisters were heading for Winterfell, before he even knew Bran was injured . He used Rosline to broker the deal hence why she went to work for him later . He targeted Bran to get at Ned and because Bran was named for the Bran who he dueled with and of course to pit the Lannisters and Starks against each other .anyways what that has to do with a master plan I don't know . Mabe he wanted to get Ned killed so he could have Cat . carry on ( Arya will kill Littlefinger)

  18. Haven't watched all of the video, but as Sansa is technically a Lannister now, could it merely be as the oldest Stark child, she has the seat in the North? She wouldn't be displacing Jon, because he is King in his own right. I think when it comes out that Jon is technically a Targ, the seat will by default go to Sansa. In an effort to show their allegiance to Dany's camp, she may fly the Lion over WInterfell to signify her joining Dany's side, because Tyrion is the head of House Lannister now and is the hand of the Queen and because they were (and could still be considered) married.


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