Gender choices, server shutdowns, weird reboots, & live-action movies.
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This podcast was recorded on April 17, 2016

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Featuring: Jessica, Carter, Terrell, Tracy and Martin

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Rust Gender choices

Red Dead Redemption 2

WoW server shutdown

Jontron Rant

Rush Hour TV show

Doctor Strange Trailer

Ghost In Shell movie

Emoji movie

Ben Affleck directing Batman

Phil Defranco on Toby Turner

Game of Thrones


Stardust Drive Productions


The QuestCrafter


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Outro song: “Energy Drink” by Virtual Riot



  1. Im not to sure I dont play rust But I think it first was Male only then it was male or female choice and now its random[Do not quote me on that]

    also going to do some more comments.
    I think what they might have referred to in the beginning about half the player pop thing was that at the start there was only one model, most are probably fine whit there only been one model and gender as that's more or less placeholder and will be fixed at a later date. so people will let that slide, now what's more normal that the temp model been a white male or white female or any other race(note hair is usually late in stage might be why male are the default temp).

    Another thing that is that I written this before. is this when I play on my own(single player) I usually pick female. when I play whit others and whit that I mean I will use a mic in some way or other I will pick male. mostly as I would like to cause less confusion when stuff is flying around and Im trying to communicate.

    also about the wow stuff at 17:00
    you can play on whit out updating but you can get to the new stuff or the new levels.
    ex I got clasic wow Im stuck at lev 60 and can´t go to outland the second expention.
    now whit catalusm that changed the clasic game world you can still play on clasic but you can get to the new cata place(2-3 locations).
    Now Blizzard patches also Vanilla games rules. like how easy/hard it is to level up.
    in clasic wow the amount of experience and how much XP you earned was way lower then what it is now.
    Just that fact that harvesting ore/hearb or anything today gives XP it didn´t back then.


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