LMD Sent To The Future! Agents Of Shield Season 5 Episode 5 Review And Blade TV Show Coming!

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  1. 😹Dude, finish a sentence! This is meant to be friendly CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM if it sounds harsh I promise that was not my intention😇. I only wish you to be able to do your best in your chosen career.
    But having said that, You’re almost worse than Trump 🙀 changing the topic before finishing your original train of thought. 🤕90% of what you said was completely unintelligible! 🙈 If you worked on that problem your videos could be really interesting. I would be interested in what you were saying, and then get REALLY FRUSTRATED 😾when you wouldn’t finish what you were saying. Or spoke in a shorthand that didn’t make any sense??? I don’t know what you were trying to say/do, most of the points you were trying to make were completely lost in translation. 😴 It took me half an hour to watch your video, to try to figure out what you were saying. The Closed Captions confused 🤷‍♀️ me even more. Hope this helps. BEST OF LUCK WITH YOUR CHANNEL!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️

  2. I can't really make out what you are saying so I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but it's not an lmd that Fitz places behind the panel in The Lighthouse. It's a suitcase containing some canisters, Daisy's gauntlets and at least two of Coulsons prosthetics, plus probably some Icers ammunition and various other S.H.I.E.L.D. tech.

  3. Merry Christmas!! I love your channel. Nick Fury had a bunker in space like that in Original Sin in the comics. He killed The Watcher and became The Unseen. I'm pretty sure there's a Watcher named Enok, too.


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