It seems The Mooch is finally learning the art of subtly throwing shade.

On Sunday night, not long after the Season 7 finale of “Game of Thrones” aired, Anthony Scaramucci may have subtweeted President Donald Trump by posting a Jon Snow quote about the importance of honesty.

In the Season 7 finale of “Game of Thrones,” Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) initially agrees to accept a proffered truce for the duration of the war against the Night King, but only on the condition that Jon Snow (Kit Harington) doesn’t take sides in the Lannister/Targaryen war that is sure to follow.

Instead of lying to Cersei and agreeing to her terms, Jon is forthright and rejects the offer, telling her that he has already bent a knee to Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clake). This upsets Cersei and she rescinds her offer.

Jon’s move also dismays both Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) and Daenerys.

“Have you ever considered learning how to lie every now and then? Just a bit?” Tyrion asks, while Daenerys suggests Jon’s decision to be honest means her dragon Viserion died in vain.

Jon then makes a speech about the dangers of incessant lying, including the line that Scaramucci tweeted above.

Liam Cunningham, who plays Ser Davos on “Game of Thrones,” recently told Variety that Harington delivered his speech with Trump on his mind. He told the outlet:

That speech that Jon Snow gave about the nature of lies and what’s been said, and what happens if we don’t stick to our word — we filmed that on exactly the day that a certain POTUS was elected and it had incredible resonance while we were filming it.

The results had just been announced the morning we filmed that particular scene — that particular day of that scene with Mr. Kit Harington. We may have been rehearsing that scene. But that was the first time that Kit Harington had said those words on that platform in that scene. So it had a certain resonance, I’m sure you’ll understand.

Oh, yeah, we totally understand. Even a fantasy series isn’t immune to the realities of the Trump administration.

CORRECTION: This article previously mischaracterized the terms of the negotiations in the plot of “Game of Thrones.” Cersei wasn’t offering to send her armies under the originally proposed terms of the truce.



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