In the final season of “Game of Thrones,” Arya Stark shockingly leaped from the darkness to stab the Night King and take down the White Walkers in one fell swoop. 

Many people would say it was unforgettable. Maisie Williams is not one of them.

On “The Late Late Show” on Monday, Williams admitted to host James Corden that she “really erased” that moment from her memory.

“The show was so massive at that point, it is not healthy to be online or to watch it, or any of those things,” Williams said.

She continued: “Like it really, it just consumed so much of my life for 10 years, and then this episode was just like everything that my character had been working for, and it was like the ultimate ending for her. Biggest 10 years of my life. The biggest 10 years of television. And it’s just, it’s too much to think about. So I just sort of zoned out.”

Williams said she’s always heard positive things, but added: “I had to just switch off from it.”

Arya killing the Night King was among the most controversial moments of the HBO fantasy show’s very controversial final season. Though Arya definitely deserved an exultant moment, some viewers felt the show not-so-gracefully retconned things just to add a shocking twist.

Williams addressed the fallout last week on an episode of “The Tonight Show,” saying: “Now, I guess people actually just ask me like, ‘What did you think of the final season?’ Because there’s a lot of speculation over the success of it.”

But FYI, she “loved” her ending, and told Jimmy Fallon she “couldn’t be happier with it.” 

So whatever Williams didn’t delete from her memory sounds pretty great. And for the record, the Night King actor loved it, too, and if anyone has a right to be upset, it’s this guy:



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