We expect all forward to the last season Game of Thrones who will come out on April 14 on HBO. The creators of the series have done everything for it to remain a secret so that even the actors don’t seem to really know how it will end. It is for this reason that Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, has made a big blunder by revealing a spoiler.

For more information: Everything you need to know about the last season of “Game of Thrones” which is coming out soon

The actress participated in the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon when it happened. He first asked what were his favorite moments, when she played Arya Stark and she gave as examples the death of Ned, the moment when she is stripped of her clothes and his reunion with Sansa. But the facilitator was not satisfied with this and requested a spoiler.

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Maisie Williams reminded him that she would say nothing because HBO their has already sent many messages like what they couldn’t say anything without what they kill. Jimmy Fallon has all the same asked for a little mini spoiler. It is there that the actress has accidentally escaped.

She said that people lived a lot of emotions during the last days of shooting. It was hard to say goodbye to the whole team. “Because when I learned that Arya would die, like, in the second episode… “ It is here that Maisie Williams has suddenly stopped speaking because she knew she had made a big blunder.

The actress was panicking and we understand very well why. She asked Jimmy Fallon to cut this extract at the assembly. It was as if it was possible, but Maisie has chosen to leave the plateau. It is then that the facilitator was to follow to ensure that she was alright. They are all two income, saying that this was an April fool.

In fact, the two had planned the coup to surprise the viewers which are rather mouths agape. We can say that one has lived more discomfort than laughter when it was believed that Maisie Williams might be killed by HBO. You can see a preview of the issue yourself just here to look at the time quite funny to see:

For more information: The actors of “Game of Thrones” all tears on learning of the grand final

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