In Two Weeks to Live, Maisie Williams (Arya from Game of Thrones) stars as a girl with a list seeking revenge for the death of her father. Sound familiar?

You can take the girl out of Westeros…

Sky has released a trailer for Two Weeks to Live, a new comedy-drama series about a girl (Maisie Williams) who is seeking revenge for the death of her father. It’s item number 4 on her list.

So yes, Maisie Williams is playing a badass with a list out to avenge her dead dad. I get the feeling that whoever made Two Weeks To Live watched Williams’ performance as Arya Stark on Game of Thrones and thought, “Yes, but modern and funnier.” And that’s okay, because the trailer looks pretty charming:

Ah, the old “bring your dad’s ashes to a bar” gag; gets me every time.

All six episodes of Two Weeks to Live will be available on British pay-TV channel Sky One on September 2. It’s also coming to Now TV. Hopefully will someone will pick it up and release it on a platform a little more familiar to people on the other side of the pond, as well, cause I wouldn’t mind watching this.

A girl must laugh.

Next: Game of Thrones vet Jerome Flynn wins filmmaking award, and other news

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