In Two Weeks to Live, Maisie Williams plays a young woman determined to kill the person who killed her father so she can cross him off her list. Ring any bells?

In Two Weeks to Live, Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams plays a girl who vows revenge on the man who killed her father, and sets out on a quest to take him down, all while crossing items off his list.

Sound familiar?

Yes, Williams’ character Kim Noakes sounds a little like Arya Stark, but this dark comedy show shares little else in common with HBO’s fantasy series. Kim is an intensely sheltered 20-something who grew up in the woods with her survivalist mother. When she ventures into modern-day society, a misunderstanding convinces her that the world will actually end in two weeks (she doesn’t really grasp the concept of jokes or sarcasm), meaning she has to get through that list right quick, including killing the man who killed her father.

It’s all very twisted and funny and weird, and now it’s coming to HBO Max in just a couple days!

Yes, folks round the world can officially watch Two Weeks to Live on HBO Max come this Thursday, November 5. The show originally aired on Sky in the UK.

It’s great to see Williams branch out (a bit) from Game of Thrones and do something (a little) different. Heaven knows she’s talented enough to hold down any number of TV shows.

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