Game of Thrones wasn’t just the biggest show of the century, it was a huge family and a way of life for so many people for nearly a decade. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, something that not only the fans but the cast and the crew find hard to move away from. Many of the cast and the crew members are still in touch with each other, as we have seen various photos of them reuniting at events across the globe. Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams is quick at making new friends, and she recently made friends with some new celebs.

In her most recent appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Williams recalled how she became friends with the newlywed celebrity couple Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker. She said, “I need to have an in to the conversation have something to say, something interesting for them to know. They did dress up as Sid and Nancy for Halloween two years ago, a year ago. So then my thought was, ‘I’m in a show and Sid and Nancy are in that show and I’m in it too, and so hi!’”

Maisie said that Kourtney and Travis told her, “Great, yeah, we can’t wait to watch it.” After that moment, she said, “And that was it. We were best friends.”

Maisie recently appeared on the show Sex Pistol playing the role of Pamela Rooke aka Jordan. Did you like the show? Tell us in the comments below!



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