Major Deaths in Game of Thrones season 8 revealed in leaked script preview. Just like S7 E7 a transcript that provided some major leaks and huge easter eggs for Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 was just released. How much of it is real I have no idea but you listen and preview game of thrones season 8 episode 2 figure it out for yourself. S8 Preview Game of Thrones Season 8 PREDICTIONS
S8 E2 game of thrones preview

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  1. Bran dies don't make too much sense for him to die that way to me it feels like he has way more of an important part with the white walkers I've heard the script before and I don't like it I hope it's not true

  2. scene 2 The undead army are chasing Sam and baby Sam they want there brother back,little Sam,Big Sam gets cornered by three white one stabs him in the heart,but a jelly donuts was in his pocket and stops the blade,s pulls out the legendary sword of his father's and kills the wights, but the knight King walks in eats the donut and decapitates Sam,Gilly runs with little Sam and gets away.

  3. episode 2 leak The knight King is at winterfell he orders the giant to take a piss and it floods the gates,gendry is seen rowing away,with sansa arya brienne and podrick fight the wights podrick pulls his cock out and pisses back at the giant causing blindness and the giant shoots down the knight King on accident, he lands full of urine he's mad he grabs a spear of ice and throws it up podrick dickhole plugging the leak and killing podrick.

  4. Sam and his wife, Bronn and his new wife, Tyrione and Missandre, the daughter of Jon and kalissie, Sansa and the guy who rowed that fucking boat, live. EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD Remember what Ramsey said, If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD, the dragons, the hound, Jamie, all dead. Arayia dissappears, Bran becomes the new night king. Fucked up, ain't it. Worst ending in cinema history.

  5. Sounds legit. This is last season afterall. All people getting mad over this are just angry normie kids. Like Kit said, it's gonna be bloodbath. Fucking LONG NIGHT kids, not summer trip

  6. well what !!!!!!!!! Bran should n't be dead -_- he didn't do anything at all as the three eyed raven or what so ever !! just controlling some raven and dragon and seeing the past of Jon Snow !! that's it ?????????? what the hell man !!!!!!!! Shitty story

  7. I hope these leaks are not real for season 8. I have read them all and seems to me really bad predictable story line to a story that is far greater than what this details. They are nice as something to entertain us and provoke us to think more on the wars that's now upon the north.

  8. This is just ridiculous enough to be real. I think this is an early draft. Some things will be tweaked but, when you put the basics of these leaks up against the plot of season 7, a lot of the deaths etc seem like a natural conclusion to the way D&D have been steering the show. Each season has been increasing the shock factor and I would expect this kind of storytelling from D&D to finish ASOIAF.

  9. Gendry was on the boat heading to Eastwatch. He helped Davos rip open Jon's shirt. Gendry was at Dragonstone and is probably on the boat heading to Winterfell. He isn't with Tormund. Beric is. This is fake!

  10. You lost me at the part where Bran died. It all seemed pretty plausible, up until that point. I just don't see Bran dying so soon, if at all really! Bran powers are too crucial for him to die so soon! But, then again, he ultimately did go out doing everything he is capable of! I'm torn! lol this made me get teary-eyed, and I actually hope it will be as epic as this was, because we should all be feeling those emotions, come the end game.

  11. Look by this point, we all know these season 8 leaks are fake… To me, it's bad business to keep putting this stuff out when you know it's fake….I like some of your other videos, but down voting all season 8 videos with this bullshit in them!!!!


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