With the arrival of season 8 for Game of Thrones, and the Season 7 finale being hot topic, there’s been a lot of information in circulation concerning what will happen to major characters in the popular HBO tv show.
However, the LEAKED Script for Season 8 Game of Thrones is very debatable. There will be spoilers, if we can call them that.
Stay tuned and tell us what you think.



  1. I 100% agree that these scripts are fake….but in regards to Cerci's prophecy, in the books the Valenquar was mentioned – it was however NOT mentioned in the show, so her death might not be at the hands of her little brother…..Also, if D&D has Arya going back to King's Landing to kill her, she would probably wear Littlefinger's face to get into Kings Landing…remember he's been scheming with Cersi telling her he'd do anything to help her, though we all know he really wanted the throne for himself. Littlefinger would still be welcomed into King's Landing with out a 2nd glance…the whole Nymeria thing seems bit far fetched – D&D pretty much killed that story line in the woods…I could go on, like everyone else….LOL

  2. in the "fake script" it mentions jon and danys child lyana targaryan on the iron throne? could this be the reason the show runners are looking for a young boy and a girl actor (which is said to be a lyana mormont recast) idk but the script could be true in some ways 🙁

  3. http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/news/a57226/game-of-thrones-season-7-finale-jaime-lannister-interview/
    Nikolaj Coster Waldau (Jamie Lannister) for Esquire:

    "The fear is that I would be turned into one of those undead. That would suck. You know some of the main characters are going to get turned. There are going to be some blue-eyed main characters running around. And, god, I hope it's not me. That's three hours of make-up in the morning. I know that if David Benioff and Dan Weiss read this, they'll go, "Oh, yes we will."

    So, he says that in Season 8 some of main characters will become wights.
    How come this "awesome script leak" has nothing about it?

  4. As far as I'm concerned, everything in the leaks perfectly coincides with the GoT way of doing things.
    Up until S06, GoT consistently killed off beloved characters in gruesome
    ways. Then in S06 and S07 we started having a trend of bad guys dying
    more than good guys.
    Season 8 is where everything ends. If you really think that more than a 1/4th of the remaining characters survives, you're deluded.

    Having Dany's corpse displayed at Kings Landing, Jaime+Jon+Jorah etc etc dying too, these are all gruesome ways for these characters to die. These are all GoT ways for these characters to die.

    Stannis burning his daughter alive, the Frey sewed GreyWind's head to Robb's body, stabbing Robb's pregnant wife in the womb, putting Ned's head on a spike and made Sansa watch it, Ramsay raping Sansa and forced Theon to watch them, after he cut his manhood. Red. Wedding.

    "I mean what happened, did your balls drop off?" – Joker

    This is GoT. From the beginning you know that this doesn't have a tralalala ending.
    You know what would be REAL fan service? Keeping Jon & co ALIVE!
    THIS ending is realistic, a trait that, up until s06, GoT has always upheld.

    The only argument this video makes agains the leaks that's actually worth a damn is the Valonqar one. That aside, it's almost like you're in denial.
    And of course you are. You just spoiled urself the end of the series. You can't POSSIBLY have fucked up that badly. It can't POSSIBLY be true. It MUST be fanfiction. Dude, these leaks came out BEFORE S07E07 came out. And they were already consistent with it. Hell, the same source that leaked Episode 7 of Season 7 leaked these too.
    Do the maths people.

    Stop lying to urselves. You got an entire year to cope with this ending so it won't be a bad surprise. Buckle up ur seat belts.

  5. I'm wondering if these scripts weren't "leaked" on purpose to allow the community to critique them in time for rewrites. After all, the community has been coming up with far better theories than what the TV show has been dishing out since they overshot the books.

  6. For those who think the season 8 leaks are real …Do you really think Tyrion suddenly shags Missandei??…or they will have multiple scenes with people throwing shit at Dany's rotting corpse on display??……..Next you will be telling me that Drogon gets it on with Ghost, whilst the Night King bursts into song as he whips out an electric ice guitar.

  7. Only thing that foreshadows the leaks are that in end of ep 7 they mention elephants of Golden company and that meant we def will prob see them. The leaks could have taken what they knew of ep7 and made this up but pretty sure there was no mention of that line in the leaks for s7e7 originally?

  8. Unfortunately, the prophecy of the "Valonqar" was never mentioned by Maggie The Frog in the show. Although I agree with you that these leaked scrips are fake, for a thousand other reasons, the fulfillment of the Valonqar prophecy is not one of the reasons. It seems that D&D left themselves a way around this part of the book, so they could ruin it in their own way. They don't really need any help from whoever the hack is that wrote these nonsensical leaked scripts.

    Even though the showrunners have made many flubs in the shows since they ran out of source material and have been penning a lot of fan fiction into each episode, these leaked scripts are even far beneath the manure that they have been shoveling since season 6. I am a bit scared of what D&D may do concerning Cersei's death since they purposefully left out the Valonqar prophecy. Whatever it is, it will be disappointing for sure, but certainly not this crap found in these leaked scripts. I hope not, anyway.

  9. It was a okay leak but it does have more holes than you even mentioned. A. How did the night king get defeated? Jon would not all of a sudden forget about the night king and focus on kings landing to beat a greyjoy. If anything the wildfire in the pit and kings landing would be the final showdown for the night king. Varyes stabbing Dani with heartsbane is another weird one. The voice in the fire says he will save the common folk then gets stabbed doing nothing for the common man. I hope Jon lives or dies defeating the night king in a epic showdown so this whole script is wack to me

  10. It would be so much fun if all these leaks ended up being true so I can watch the masses freak out.

    Personally, I feel the show has been in fanfiction since the show passed the books, and the quality of the writing and storytelling is proof of that.

  11. I hope the leaks are fake because they are way too dark for my tastes. However, the theory that Cersei will be murdered by her brother wasn't mentioned in the show. It is possible that the show will take a different approach to the books.

    Also Arya did say she wanted to go to Estros … which clearly indicates that she won't be sticking around to marry Gendry.

    Sansa wanting to marry into royalty was foreshadowed since season one.

    The main reason I think this might not be fan fiction is that it is way too dark. Also I am not aware of any underground fan group shipping Tyrion and Mesandrie.

    I personally think that this leak was just an outline and frankly it could have been around for quite some time.

    Hopefully they still might tweak it to make it a little more palatable.

  12. I think they're fake (or at least mostly fake) for the reasons cited in the video. Another thing that the video does not cite but I think is significant is that the White Walkers attack Pyke. Pyke is an island, so unless the Night King froze the sea or suddenly has zombie sailors, how is this going to happen.

  13. George R R Martin said the ending is bittersweet. IMO Jon and Daenarys dying, Bran becoming a white walker and the Night King attacking again is the shittiest most bitter ending in history. Not to mention that the only way the great war can be won is if the Night King dies, the leaks just dont make sense

  14. Sansa WAS foreshadowed to be with Gendry, from the very first episode. Robert says "I have a son, you have daughter, we will wed them and join our houses once and for all". Dany would NEVER let another child die during birth, not after the first one. Its not out of charactuer at all for her to give her life for her child, and dieing on the birthing bed is common. And the fact that her womb was/is cursed, combined with a miscarriage of a monster, cant help the birthing process.

  15. Your argument can't really hold the ground to prove that, unfortunately. First, the Valonqhar part of the prophecy is never mentioned in the show, and I don't see D&D want it to bring back later in season 8. Second, the show nowaday basically is fan fiction, it is very possible the part Tyrion rule as the regent lord and Dany died by child birth happening in the books as well, and the two new relationships perhaps just the show-runner feel like a normal thing to do.


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