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āž¤ Night Kingāž¤ Jon Snow āž¤12 Companionsāž¤Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6āž¤Gendryāž¤Season 7 Game Of Thrones S7 E6 Promo Breakdownāž¤Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Explainedāž¤Game Of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Analysis

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  1. Man. Arya upset me at first… and then I remembered that she hasn't had a hug, or a friendly word, or a mom, or a family…since she was 11. She doesn't know how to face any of this. So she's reverting to what she was taught by her experiences. She ran from Kings Landing. She hid from the soldiers at The Twins. She stood there and didn't say jack shit when she was Tywin's cup bearer. She ran and hid and kept low — and is holding Sansa accountable for doing the same thing. She's hiding in No One. I really felt like Sansa should have slapped her in the face. But I think ultimately that it will take Bran exposing her failures of logic and making her see her errors to snap her out of it. I would love to see The Hound give her a few harsh words and ruffle her a bit to make her see that she's an orphan who has had terrible experiences….just like her sister. When they can face it together she won't have to be No One anymore. She can fully rejoin her pack.

  2. I think Arya is testing sansa but I also believe that she is letting little finger believe he has manipulated her but I think she is a few steps ahead of little finger, will see if I am right

  3. Probably the worst episode I have ever watched. We all knew that nobody important was going to die and did they surprise us? no. I hadn't read the plot leaks, it was just obvious. They made Jon go mental for no fucking reason risking his life and everyone else. And the only reason they did that was so they could kill off Benjen as he wouldn't be useful in Season 8. The Undead army seem weak as fuck now. They had 6 men surrounded and couldn't even kill one. Why did the Night King throw his spear at Viseryon? He clearly had the ability to hit him after he hit the sitting duck which was Drogon. Dany and Jon are going to have the obvious boring love story. Everything is so fucking predictable. Again I haven't read any leaks but I have a good idea what will happen next episode and I doubt it will surprise me at all. No major characters have died when loads should have, everything feels rushed, the dialogue is awful in the past 2 episodes. The season actually got off to a great start and the first 4 episodes were awesome. But its just apparent that they are resorting to fan service now that they have nothing to base the story on. They are desperately trying to find a way to get to GRRM's ending in 2 seasons and its fucking things up.
    Characters are being butchered.
    Arya: Basically everything she does or says now is cringy. She used to be one of the best characters in the series and now nothing makes sense. She has just gone psycho and it makes me want to hang myself listening to her cringeworthy lines. her beating Brienne was just ridiculous as well.
    Tyrion: Basically making him an idiot and come of as a coward when for 6 seasons that is what they have been trying to prevent.
    God I hope season 8 is better than this episode. And before you comment saying, "STOP WATCHING RETARD." I disliked 2 episodes. the only other episodes I have ever disliked were 6×08 and 6×01. I love this show and just because I am critiquing this episode doesn't mean I hate it.

  4. So after rewatching the episode for the 2nd time i am more than ever convinced, 100%, that Bran and the Nighy King are mentally linked. 1st example he intervines in Brans warging of the Ravens causing the ravens to scurry kicking Bran out of his warg state. 2nd example and the deciding factor the Night King was too prepared for Danys arrival of Dragons as if he knew of their existence before even seeing one. He had a giant ice spear prepared and GIANT chains at the ready to drag her dragon, as though he knew he would need to drag him out of the water! So does that mean he also has visions same as Bran and a psychic link to Bran. My theory is YES, because Bran is the Night King! I have another blog on Aminos explaining that theory..check it out!

  5. Mark, your the best. I really enjoy your comments especially during the live shows with the others that you participate with. Like you, I have watched the leaked episode and found it amazing. I have a love of dragons and I was born during the year of the dragon. I found it sad when it died but was raised up as an ICE Dragon. One question, where did the wights find those huge chains to lift it out and how did they attached it to the dragon?

  6. The fact that Jamie and Cersei are direct siblings means they share more genetic traits with each other. Their incest is far worse than what Jon and Dany's will be so it's kind of silly to compare the two. Remember, Tywin Lannister married his cousin Joanna.

    At least Jon ISN'T the product of incest, which means their offspring (if they have any and if it can even survive in this world) will have a better chance of not being fucked up. Cousins, Aunt/Nephew, and Uncle/Niece marriages for highborns in this world are commonplace.

  7. šŸ² Unfortunately, I feel absolutely sure that there will be an ice dragon. It almost has to happen to even things up. Also I don't think there will be a "spare dragon" so to speak. There are three for a definite reason and I think that somehow one may end up on the Lannister side although I can't for the life of me figure out how (except we have to remember that Qyburn does some incredibly insane things with his spells and potions) I have been house Targaryen from the start and I don't even want to see it, as I will literally sob for Dany as well as the Dragon. I will not be able not to watch of course. šŸ².


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