Check out this Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Explained video!

Instead of doing a typical Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 2 Breakdown video, I’ve decided to approach the episode from a theory perspective.

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  1. It is illogical for Sam to be the one telling the story. Even GRRM said it was two maesters, and Sam isnt one of them. Maesters cant be married and Sam doesnt look like he's about to let go of Gillie. Maybe things will change at the Citadel after it's all said and done, but as they stand, maesters take no wives. Of course when its all said and done there will be no Nights Watch and Sam will be free of his vows, but a married maester is another matter.

  2. Theory: the series ends with the closing of a dusty ancient book: "A Song of Ice and Fire: a History of the Second War of the Dawn and the Fall of the Night's King, by Maester Samwell."

  3. "just zig zag" that doesn't actually matter by the way, you can't hear the arrow being fired from that distance, you can't see the archer and know when he's shooting while running away, he's a young child who's terrified and who only knows that the people who love him and want to keep him safe after the nightmare he's been through are just in front of him.

    "Just zig zag" I would bet money on the fact that any one of you would be shitting yourself in the same position and "just zig zag" would be the last thing you were thinking about.

  4. @ 1:30 – I have to agree with you about Theon, because I don't think that he could have done anything and that Yara would likely have been killed right in front of him if he had tried. While I do think that him seeing the chaos of the battle happening on the ship/ Euron's men winning causes him to recede back into being Reek personality wise, I think that given everything he's been through you have to consider that it's probably pretty easy for that sort of trauma to re-surface. While he may have jumped off the ship as Reek, I think he observed what happened as Theon. Its his impulse and trauma that causes the moments of weakness; the Reek still left inside him. So with that in mind, what if Theon realized that as Reek, he really is weak, and chose to jump to save himself and Yara another day (although I don't see a happy ending for Yara). The Ironborn that picked him up were right though, if he had tried, he wouldn't be there. But that's part of the reason he jumped off in the first place; it was a lost battle already.

    I still wonder if he will end up becoming a brother of the night's watch honestly. It would be sort of fitting, but that's if he even survives the overall series.

    Also, an edit to my comment but. As Balon said, what kind of Ironborn loses his senses during a storm? Euron replies, "I am the storm."

    Theon may perhaps be the last storm? He lost his mind during the 'storm' of a battle. tinfoil hat I know, very low probability here.

  5. youre genius man !! about the sam theory and the bran being the wight king, it is obvious this series is not about some random lords wying for power over iron throne it is about sam telling the story about how someone saves westeros from total destruction, it just one question how bran became the wight king how he go back in time to become the wight king??

  6. All this talk all over is about how Bran the Builder "built" the wall in the past…

    Maybe that Bran is the Bran we know from the show, Brandon Stark, and he will warg into an ice dragon which breathes ice and creates the wall.

  7. Only one thing to say!
    Potions and elixirs litetally coming out of their asses and not a single one of them can put a man under like we do for surgery!?!?
    I think the goofy fat dude MUST be a secret sadist and just wants to watch him suffer as much as possible as the gray scale is cut away!

    I mean really, they don't even have pain killers! Little fails like this are annoying as FUCK, and there are literally dozens of them through out G.O.T.!!

  8. The show will end with an old Sam Tarly closing the book while laughing by himself, seemingly proud of what he's written. He will be played by GRR Martin.

  9. Epidsode 1.
    The White Walkers are marching south on the Wall. Bran crosses the Wall back into Westeros and meets with Dolorous Edd the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.
    (Bran seen filming at Castle Black set.)

    Sansa and Jon have an argument about what to do with the Northern houses who betrayed them by fighting with the Boltons. Sansa and Lyanna Mormont wants to give their lands to loyal supporters but Jon refuses to hold the Karstark and Umber children responsible. Jon does it his way and basically tells the other to deal with it because he’s not going to rule the North the way it’s always been.

    (Jon, Sansa and Lyanna have been spotted on Winterfell set)

    At the end of the episode Danaerys and co. arrive at Dragonstone (Stannis’ old seat and an island near King’s Landing). She goes into the old war room with the table map of Westeros and turns to Tyrion and says “Shall we begin?”

    (“Team Dany” has been filming in Bilbao; a widely believed set for Dragonstone.)

    Episode 2
    Jon gets a raven from Danaerys telling all the Northern lords to meet her on Dragonstone to parlay. Jon and Davos decide to go to ask for some of the dragonglass stockpiled on Dragonstone.
    Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell and leaves Ghost behind too.
    Dorne and Highgarden get sacked by the Lannisters early in the season. Jaime confronts Olena Tyrell at Highgaren. She tells Jaime everything about how she and Littlefinger poisoned Joffrey. Jaime allows her to drink poison and kill herself before being captured.
    Euron’s Fleet destroy’s Yara Greyjoy’s and takes her prisoner. Theon escapes by jumping overboard and is rescued by other Iron Born.
    Euron Greyjoy attacks Dorne as well, killing two Sand Snakes and capturing Ellaria.

    Episode 3
    Jon and Davos arrive on Dragonstone and meet Tyrion on the beach.
    (Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Missandei have all been filming together in Bilbao, Spain — widely believed to be the set of Dragonstone.)
    Tyrion brings them to meet Danaerys. Dany demands Jon bend the knee, which he refuses. Jon instead tells her about the White Walker threat but she doesn’t believe him. Davos tries to tell her about Jon’s resurrection, but Jon dismisses it. Tyrion steps in to say Jon’s a good guy and definitely not insane.
    Dany respects Jon immediately, although Jon doesn’t return the sentiment.
    Jon meets Theon who presumably meets with Theon and promises to spare his life for what he did helping Sansa escape.
    (Set photos of Jon meeting Theon in Spain)
    Arya encounters her old direwolf Nymeria on the way to Winterfell.
    Jorah and Sam meet in Old Town and finds a cure for greyscale.
    Bran arrives at Winterfell and Meera returns home to the Neck.

    Episode 4
    Arya arives at Winterfell
    (Arya has been spotted on set with other “Team Starks”)
    Dany torches a few Westerosi lords with her dragons which include Sam Tarley’s father and brother.
    Tyrion dissuades Dany from attacking King’s Landing directly with dragons for fear of killing lots of civilians.
    Jaime and Bronn and the Lannister army are ambushed (probably mid season) by Dany/Dothraki/dragons while marching back from Highgarden. They Lannister army is defeated and Jaime is almost killed by dragons, only to be saved by Bronn.
    Jon realizes the only way to get Westeros to work together to fight the White Walkers is to get a live specimen of a zombie to show everyone.

    Episode 5
    Sam leaves Oldtown for Winterfell with Gilly and the baby.
    Jorah reunites with Dany at Dragonstone after apparently healing his greyscale in Oldtown, at some point earlier in the season.
    Jon receives a raven letting him know that Bran and Arya are at Winterfell.
    Jon, Jorah and Gendry (not sure how he gets in the mix) set sail to the Wall. They are looking to capture a white (the White Walker’s mindless zombies) in order to prove to the other lords of Westeros and Dany they exist and to gain support in fighting them.
    (Jorah, Gendry and Jon spotted on set leaving Bilbao set on a boat. This is probably the most compelling evidenc

  10. #1 Warden of the North, not Warden of the South. #2 Arya says, "It's not you." If you take the first time she says, "It's not me" to Ned, then it must mean that her Dire Wolf isn't coming back with her. Both have to do with their natures. It isn't in Arya to marry to a nobleman, and it isn't in her Dire wolf to leave her pack. Everyone seems to miss this.
    #3 Even if Sam is telling the story, he is also saving Jorah's life to get back to Dany so that he can go North of the Wall with Jon Snow's group. It really doesn't matter who is telling the story does it? People put a lot of meaning into this. It just means that Sam can't be killed in the show. He has to live to write down the story.


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