the making of GoT

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  1. sometimes in the show the dire wolfs are just normal sized.. but then sometimes they look massive i feel like producers forgot that they were supposed to be really big 😛

  2. Cersei loved Rhaegar, not Robert, she dreamt of marrying Rhaegar even before Roberts and Ned's rebellion took place. it's said in the books on several occasion that cersei hated Robert for slaying Rhaegar and she thought the wrong man won the battle at the trident. Read the books Lena!

  3. Equilibrium, in the sense you meant it ( morally ) is artificial. Reality is, in a sense, a collection of isolated phenomena, which people may, to make it simpler to understand, try and pretend has some overall order or meaning…..but it doesn't.

    The books are far more compelling than any good v evil because the danger is more real and so are the characters.

  4. Or maybe Martin just got carried away with the narrative. He originally planned to write three books and has frequently quoted Tolkien's assertion that "the tale grew in the telling", as for instance LOTR was originally supposed to be a sequel to The Hobbit, for children. Power is a major theme, family as well, and the inability of people to face external threats. Why would he title his next book The Winds of Winter if he wasn't going to write about winter?

  5. I don't think it's a major theme……5 books and the walkers are still where they've always been. Martin tries to write it realistically, and not make the whole thing about expressing a theme.

    And about good and evil, that's the whole difference. Some people are concerned with morality, others are not, some do bad things, some do good things, but it's not about good vs evil, like LOTR, where there are good people and monsters, and no one has any doubts about this.

  6. Well, a major theme seems to be the pettiness of the struggle for power in the face of the existential threat of the White Walkers and the coming winter, and if these warring humans will be able to face that threat. It would be plain old bad stroytelling if suddenly their whole plotline vanished. Also, Martin has said that it is about good and evil, but "the conflict takes place in every human heart."

  7. Hmm…, a better way to say it would be what you just wrote is a lie perpetuated by *you*. For while there are mentionings of Azor Ahai, the prince who was promised, this is not an opposite to the others, and, indeed, contrary to the hopes of, tbh, many readers, the prince(ss) who was promised may not appear…..

    The series is actually not truly about good vs evil. compare it to LOTR, for god's sakes, LOTR is, in the words of a producer, about the guys in white beating the guys in black.

  8. very much like in the ancient epic story: Njal's Saga. Noble, strong, perfect hero died first, causing many family circles to kill eachother, allowing more heroes to pop up and be killed. Very entertaining stuff. If he wasn't there, there'd be no story.

  9. Different? That's a lie perpetrated by GRRM, the story is indeed about the same old Good vs Evil theme: The Others (ice, darkness, death and eternal night) and Azor Ahai/The Prince(ess) That Was Promised (Fire, or "the Light", Life)

    Sorry but you're being tricked. The Iron Throne is ultimately insignificant in the coming conflict. Winter is coming, and once that happens it will be the same old Chosen One vs Evil One, the fate of all life (or at least Westeros) in the balance. bait and switch

  10. Getting rid of their strongest character…smart!!! Personally, I don't care if people want something different than "good v. evil" concept. Ned Stark was the ultimate good guy that provided some equilibrium to the story. Without his influence the game became darker than it already was, the plot and destinies of characters are lost. Not one of the characters can stand on its own. Also, lots of unfinished stories. Almost like isolated phenomena happening at once, but never coming together

  11. So inuit people think they are better than eskimos? fuck em… I'm from the netherlands, but I come from this planet called earth, just like everyone here…. so be a bit more cosmopolitic will you all?


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