The words “not bad for 197 year old blind lady” have been ringing in my ears. Time to theorize!

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  1. Even if Mama Odie DOES have the ability to cure her blindness she would not be able to use it on herself? Isn't voodoo taught? And HOW would she be able to materialize particular objects without being able to have seen them at least ONCE. Also, the enchanted objects do match up with her style but it does with the doctor! She simply just aids in how to counter spells not actually creating them. I have to say it doesn't seem like her style of things I think her and the Shadow man have more history than we think! Because was that shrunken head his MOTHER or a relative? If it is his mother's head HE maybe older than he seems as well having him and mama odie having a longer rivalry than it appears….or HE or his ancestors were the ones to mess up the Beast family CLAIMING it was for his own good.Only later to be caught and banished from the land as well as stripped of there abilities force the family to seek help from DEMONS to get it back to one day come back into power in another way.

    And Or Mr. Shadow Man COULD be Mama Odie's Apprentice. Idk why I think that I think it is simply because of how powerful he is with BORROWED powers and how did he figure out to do that. And how Mama Odie responses don't seem URGENT she seems chilled bout the whole thing as if it is a typical thing.

    That or I am over thinking.

  2. That fact that he's a 10 year old is funny because ironically today is my 10th B-day! And you're not gonna believe this, but I was born on the same day as Taylor Swift!! (different year, duh) 😀

  3. I like this theory, it connects many pieces. 🙂 Though, about the 21-years-old 'cut-off point' of the spell..

    If she made that rule when she felt the Prince's bad aura, that means she might've known he was younger than that age. So that's how long the spell would last.

    If she didn't, that rule could've been made after she felt guilt and couldn't fix it, like you said. And she added the cut-off point, (but with the catch so he could truly become a good boy and find love, and if he didn't, he'd be stuck as the Beast forever), so he can be an adult human.

  4. What if she changed her apperiance so nobody could reconize her and point her out for her magical mistake? A prince would be in the power to let the people surch for her and lock her up or worse. If she looks completly diffrent, they couldn't match her with the "crime". So she did make a good move by changing her looks and not using magic again. Sorry for the bad grammar. English isn't my mother language.

  5. It's possible. It seems oddly possible. I never gave this thought before but this theory makes plenty of sense. My Beauty and the beast theory strictly for animated feature not the new trash is that the humans who where turned into objects still have some hiddem human anatomy how else can you explain Chip that legitimately makes sense. And Cogsworth was very indigant when Maurice opened him up so Maurice may have been getting near something.

  6. someone in there 30's wouldn't know that kind of magic, because witches are not the easiest to find, maybe the lady that cursed him, taught the blind orphan, but because of taxes her 30 year old orphan was suffering with noway out, so vengeance took hold,
    she fled to america because she had angered "the beast," and moved out there cause of persecution, and people feared, her an the swamp

  7. Another small detail to help your theory, The french were already in Louisiana, so it might have been a smart decision to go to Louisiana not only because of fellow people like her and also it would be one of the easier places to go because she was on a boat around that time. Anyway great theory!

  8. I personally believe that his 21st year was intended to be his 21st year as a beast. I also believe that the town stopped aging and remained stuck in time. Why would they say then for 10 years we've been rusting? Because 10 years earlier the beast actively decided to give up looking for love. He has women's clothes that you've theorized were his mother's or the Wardrobes, but what if they belonged to a woman he previously tried to make things work with. And if we add in the canon of the Broadway show that everyone is becoming less human then we can theorize that the beast may not have always looked as fierce-some, he may have gotten hairier and bigger and less adept at using his hands as hands. The Broadway show had the servants have more trouble moving the longer they were cursed. I don't think the beast was 11 when cursed. On top of that there is no way that Chip is over 10 in the Disney film. So unless a teapot with no seen husband can procreate then those kids aren't aging.

  9. This is something I hadn't really thought. But can I just point something out: in the stained glass windows, the enchantress' eyes are closed when she is in the young form and in the Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie, she appears in a flashback and her eyes are one solid colour with no visible iris (pink). It's only when she is her old beggar form when her eyes look human. (I could be wrong but in the flashback, it looks like she doesn't blink as the old beggar woman. One eye is closed but the other is wide open. You're probably want to blink if you're stuck outside in a snow storm.) Maleficent is a fae, a type of fairy, also has oddly coloured eyes with the ability to shapeshift. This is what I believe the enchantress/ mama odie is; a far. So, this could work in this theory.
    ( I'm not including the live action remakes in this comment, only the animated films)


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