The Night King proves that he’s not to be messed with in this scene from the 1st episode of Game of Thrones’ Season 7. Dead giants? My life is complete now.



  1. i mean…. there doesn't look like there are THAT many. the dothraki horde at the end of episode 4 felt like they had much bigger numbers. i'm sure theres more but from what we've seen there doesn't seem to be enough to be as big a threat as theyre made out to be

  2. This fucker has been reanimating dead bones for decades maybe even centuries and no one even noticed…..And if the wild people of the north always burn their dead how come there are so many skeletons around?

  3. Ice Dragon theory can happen. The Giant on the left has his massive bow that can take down a dragon. Night King brings the dragon back to the White Walker side and then who the fuck knows.


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