Under federal law, even legal marijuana is illegal. John Oliver explains why conflicting drug laws pose serious problems.

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  2. Oh my God! I started choking up right along with that man at about 9:25 – – – i know the feeling brother,..i KNOW the feeling.
    We're with ya', and this nonsense about weed has to stop. It was ALL based on negative propaganda that was not only false, and was an outright bold-faced lie, right on the floor of congress, both chambers. Enough of this stupid craziness about weed. It was ALL a lie, and nothing but a lie.

  3. Cannabis makes my insulin work 4 times faster, gets rid of PTSD flashbacks for me, and eliminates m other anxieties and depression, but I have to listen to my family and other people tell me in a weed addict and that it "kills brain cells" and when I mention the evidence on my side the science is suddenly unreliable this shit is ridiculous

  4. Wow, went from the east coast… pot, a felony 40yrs sentence for paraphernalia , to the west, a slap on the hand…ah but tobacco, alcohol. bad girl….jeez what a big ole disappointment in American vice.

  5. "Black adults were more than four times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white adults."

    On John Oliver's show, this will be taken by Oliver's fans as "Black adults who possess marijuana are four times more likely to be arrested for it than white adults who possess marijuana."

    If the exact same wording were spoken on Fox and Friends, their fans would take it to mean, "Black adults are four times more likely to possess marijuana than white adults."

    This needs re-wording to clarify its ramifications.

  6. Remember:
    One of the most prominent effects of Mary Jay is reducing anxiety, fear and agressiveness.
    Now ask yourself, who are the people that make profit from the fear and agressiveness of people.

    The ban of Mary Jay has not the slightest scientific reason, wich has been proofen over and over again, for decades.
    Now ask yourself, who are the people who are best known to deny science.

    Maybe you will find the reason why this madness still goes on.

  7. I freaking love your videos!!! much love, fellow freedom fighters… and click the icon at left AND SUBSCRIBE to support my channel.( also, for consciousness based info and good vibes!) Blessings.

  8. That veteran had me in tears. Sad that he gotta hide that shit when is meth addicts leanin and rockin but not fallin on every fuckin corner around the country. FUCK Outta Here! Go get yo smoke on sir.

  9. There are more deaths in the U.S.caused by alcohol abuse including deaths caused by choking on vomit after digesting wayyyyy too much alcohol for one's system, than ever caused bony marijuana – which I believe is a bit fat 0 deaths caused by simply smoking it. Not to mention that a government agency has a patent on CBD/Hemp seemingly because ( at least one reason ) it actually does work in easing and ceasing many many diseases and would cause a severe profit-shortage to Big-Pharma/Medical industry and the greedy corrupt hands dipping in it's pocket, if people were to have use of it WITHOUT Big Bother's involvement. The Federal laws as they stand now are NOT very clear/precise.

  10. alcohol: makes you get nausea , you cant stand right and might fall , you get angry easily and hurt people … ( alot of hurting for everyone)

    marijuana: makes you sleepy , makes you weak , makes you chilled , (no hurting for anyone)

  11. This is why the criminal code is federal in Canada. It ensures there are uniform laws across the country. There is no escape from the law either. Any police officer in Canada can legally charge you in any jurisdiction if they believe you are committing an offence under the criminal code.

  12. Due to my injuries to my spine and spinal cord from my deployment in iraq i came home fucked up and put on tons of pain meds that didnt work sometimes but after finding cannabis i was able to take a quarter of the pain meds nd finally could either get my pain under control or at least make me tired or comfy enough to fall asleep and thats a godsend sometime$

  13. people can do what they want. marijuana isn't the same as more dangerous drugs, but I feel it's a problem that it's a problem where people think getting high makes you "cool". nothing cool about getting high or wasted with alcohol. sobriety is best. though I find marijuana to be least harmful of the drugs. for some people like my dad who has lupus it could be beneficial. but I do think our drug culture is a problem, not just the drugs themselves but our attitude towards drugs. many people think drugs makes them cool. it doesnt.


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