A few months ago, Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco filed a federal lawsuit against Marilyn Manson accusing him of rape and other acts of sexual violence. Marilyn Manson’s lawyers have denied all claims and said all the stories were forged by the actress. Recently, the court has denied the dismissal request put forward by Manson’s lawyers, meaning Bianco can move forward with the case.

Judge Fernando L. Aenlle-Rocha of the U.S. District Court of California denied Manson’s attempt to have Bianco’s claims dismissed based on the statute of limitations, court documents revealed Thursday. Manson has 14 days to respond to each of Bianco’s claims.

Marilyn Manson to face Game of Thrones actress Esmé Bianco’s sexual assault lawsuit after court denies dismissal request

A reasonable jury could find that the effects of Warner’s alleged unconscionable acts, including the perceived threat to Plaintiff’s safety, immigration status, and career, persisted years after her last contact with Warner,” Aenlle-Rocha wrote in his court address.

Bianco first came forward on Feb. 10, as more than a dozen other women also made allegations against Manson. The lawsuit lays out Bianco’s allegations in similarly shocking detail. She alleges that Manson — whose legal name is Brian Warner — raped her in May 2011. Bianco also alleges that he repeatedly used drugs, force and threats to coerce her into other sexual acts. She accuses him of spanking, biting, cutting and whipping her without her consent during sex acts.

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