The other week, a few paparazzi pics went viral online. They show Thor: Love and Thunder director Taika Waititi with star Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) and singer Rita Ora (who it’s been rumored is dating Waititi). The three of them are on the balcony of Waititi’s home in Sydney, Australia:

We don’t know exactly what’s happening here, but from a distance it looks like three fully clothed grown adults getting close and kissing a bit. To me, the most objectionable thing about it is that someone took photos of a private moment between three people without their knowledge and then spread them over the internet, but according to an insider who talked to The Telegraph, Marvel has reprimanded Waititi for his behavior.

According to the insider, Waititi has a reputation as a “party animal” and that the photos “crossed a line” for the bosses at Marvel. Apparently, the behavior seen in the photos is “not exactly the image they’re looking to project in relation to one of their biggest franchises.”

The Taika Waititi scandal that isn’t a scandal

We should underline that this is a report from an alleged insider, not an official statement, but if it’s true, I’m no Team Waititi. How dare three grown adults express affection in the privacy of one of their homes? It just doesn’t seem like that big a deal, and not other people’s business in any case.

In my mind, this is different from a scandal like the one currently besetting John Barrowman, who admitted to flashing people on the set of Doctor Who and Torchwood, where he played Captain Jack Harkness. There, he’s taking it out at work in front of coworkers who have no way to consent. I can see why that would upset people. But Waititi, Thompson and Ora are just…hanging out at Waititi’s house. I know Disney is image-conscious but this seems a little absurd.

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h/t Independent



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