It’s starting to look like we’re entering into a Teen Mom baby boom, huh?

And as scary as that could be, bear with us, all right?

Chelsea Houska just announced that she’s pregnant with her fourth child, and Catelynn Lowell keeps talking about wanting another baby, so much that we wouldn’t be the least bit surprised at a pregnancy announcement from her.

Amber Portwood has been dating her Belgian boyfriend for almost a whole entire year now, so it’s high time for her to get pregnant, too.

Kailyn Lowry Has Had Enough, Okay?

Maci Bookout and Mackenzie Standifer are also potential candidates for pregnancy.

And, of course, many Teen Mom fans are considered that Jenelle Evans lied about getting her tubes tied and could having another child with David Eason any time now.

And yeah, sure, a lot of this is speculation, but if you want real evidence that there’s something going on with these ladies, look no further than Kailyn Lowry.

Lowry, Kail Photo

After all, she just gave birth to her fourth child less than two weeks ago and she’s already talking about having another baby!

There’s a whole lot going on with all of that, too much to dissect in one post, so let’s just focus on the baby that she just had.

OK? Thank you. Now …

Kailyn Lowry Bikini Action

This was the first time Kailyn learned the gender before the birth, so she’s known for months now that she’d be having another boy.

He was born on July 30 at 2:47 PM, and she had a home birth this time around.

Thankfully there were no complications, and both she and the baby are healthy and doing well.

Kailyn Lowry and Trio of Kids

She has said that he has some swelling and bruising on his face and that’s why she hasn’t shared many photos yet, but that’s completely normal.

This new kid weighed in at eight pounds and 15 ounces, making him the biggest baby she’s had yet.

Surprisingly though, this was one of the longest labors she’s had – it took about nine hours to bring him into the world.

Kailyn Lowry, Placenta Drink

We already know all of this information about the baby, but until today, we still don’t know one major detail:

His name!

Yep, just like big brother Lux, it took Kailyn a while to figure out a name … but unlike Lux, it didn’t take her months to come up with something!

Kailyn L

Yup, this time she’s sped the process along a little, to the delight of celebrity gossip readers across the nation and world.

Today, the 28-year-old Delaware native hopped on Instagram to share the big news, and she did it by posting this picture:

See the blanket?


Kailyn Lowry Introduces Creed

The baby’s name is Creed. Romello Creed Lopez, according to E! News. But he’ll be going by Creed.


It’s unique, because it’s a name that many, many people will immediately connect to one of two things.

Kail and Her Kids

One, the band that was responsible for hits in the late 90’s and early 00’s like “With Arms Wide Open” and “Higher.”

(Sweet mother of all things holy, that band was terrible.)

Two, the wacky, unhinged character from The Office.

Kailyn Lowry Bikini

Come on, you definitely thought of one (or both!) of those when you heard the name.

Several people pointed those associations out in the comments on her post, but she denied being inspired by either of them.

Instead, she said that she named him after the 2015 movie.

You know, the latest in the Rocky series.

Kailyn Rae Lowry

Anyway, this is what she’s going with as she grows her brood at a rapid clip. She’s already planning another kid with Chris. 

Seriously, that’s a thing going on in her head.

So, do you like the name Romello Creed?



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