Join us as we introduce cast members old and new who are set to star in Season 7 of American Horror Story.



  1. How are you going to have a season about Donald Trump's presidency and only include 2-4 (if you want to include the now deceased Changs) people of color? Ryan Murphy, you silly bitch.

  2. It's really unfortunate the world we live in consists of so many individuals so willing to accept whatever nasty comment another have to report. Lena Dunham is not an actress of considerable interest of mine mainly because I felt a bit of a disconnect from her show "Girls" and the storylines on it, friends have said I have lead a sheltered life, whatever the reason it just wasn't my thing. But I think it's truly unfair and rather disgusting that an individual can leave a comment, and no matter how unkind and nasty there is a total willingness to accept it word for word immediately without so much as checking the facts. It would appear in the world of "Trump" the United States is evolving into a nation of followers.
    Lena Dunham did not say she molested her sister. What she ACTUALLY wrote, was at the age of seven her mother was explaining the female anatomy to her, and as is VERY natural with all children she developed a curiosity that included thinking about her one-year old sister's tiny belly. "I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte’s Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble". As her writing goes on Ms.Dunham goes on to question if her curiosity of her younger sister and her sister's anatomy is the same curiosity sexual predators experience. AT NO POINT DOES MS. DUNHAM SUGGEST SHE MOLESTED HER SISTER, but many stories have been written online and otherwise to suggest that that is what she did and said.
    It's extremely destructive for incorrect information to be passed as fact with no confirmation or checking of facts. But the comment section on You Tube has convicted and punished Ms.Dunham with what would appear to have been a complete lack of actual truth. "Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You", treat others how you want to be treated, is the Golden Rule. To avoid similar reactions to oneself then some sensible consideration might be a thought. Attempting to destroy an individual and their reputation is a serious reaction and one that should be given serious thought. We live in a world that makes it far too easy to anonymously hurts others, caring for one another in the hope that that caring might be something we would wish for ourselves one-day shouldn't be much to ask.

  3. no. bittch. it's about a clown cult not politics as the main theme? politics was only referenced in 1 of the teaser previews out of 7 of them. stop blowing shit up just because that is what you are focused on. please. ahemm.. i meant out of 30. sorry.


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