In this video I look at facts and theories surrounding the origins of Melisandre in Game of Thrones (and A Song of Ice and Fire – ASoIaF). I equally share my personal opinion on her early life.

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Song: Game Of Thrones
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  1. I think she's a warg.i was just rewatching the episode where she's talking to Gendry and she points out who his father is. She says, "why do you think the gold cloaks wanted you". How did she know this unless the Brothers Without Boarders told her. I also believe Varys is a warg. Master of whispers yes but he knows things. Also how did she know to say"you know nothing Jon Snow" to Jon Snow. Just a theory, of course the"Lord of Light" could have told. BTW, just who/what is this"Lord of Light! . The place in Bravos? I do believe she is much more then a warg, a sorceress as well and a seer.

  2. Maybe Mel was a bastardina born to a slave mother from her Targaryen master at Valeria and was sold to priests of Ashai at age 7 where she learned dark magic and seduction then due to her appearance standing out too much as a Targaryen born she decided to dye her hair red and covered herself in red and over the years perfected her art then returned to Valeria spread a deadly disease that would affect both men and dragons to exact revenge survived for 400 years to the current events

  3. I have watched several of your videos now and have been impressed by your writing ability and scholarly tone. The information is clearly extensively researched, and your theories are well-organised and plausible. I am going to offer you some unsolicited creative criticism, so get ready: You overuse the the word "moreover". It's like a drinking game. Otherwise, I am thoroughly enjoying your channel 🙂

  4. In Season 7, I think it would be savvy if the show had Melisandre start to see Bran Stark in her flames and have those storylines converge so we can finally understand how the Lord of Light relates to Bran as the Three Eyed Raven and if the source of the power is coming from him.

  5. I never understood her part in game of thrones like she has such a pointless part. Why does she abandon Stannis? Why was she helping him? What did she want? What was she getting out of it? Why did she leave Stannis for Jon? Why did she want the kings children to be sacrifice? Why did she burn all the food and tents and then make out she needed a sacrifice for more food?

    I don't get it?

    Plus why did she turn back to an old lady and then went back to looking younger again?

  6. could Melisandre be a Targaryen. She is ancient so she could have lived during aegons conquest. She uses magic like targaryens and follows a religion from the targaryens home land.

  7. Maybe she only ages when she removes the amulet, which may be required for her to sleep, so she only ages while sleeping. This would explain how she could be 400 years old. but appear around 100 years of age when the amulet is removed.

  8. There is no substance in this theory…..herez d truth…..melisandria belongs to a cult which is in someway related to targeyrians…..along with her there are a lot of others too like the one who met daneris and yigrette ( john's chic)…..Like targeyrians these women also worshipped fire….like melisandria fucked stannis and a monster popped out, same way yigrette fucked john and came out a dragon which is hidden so far……remember both yigrette and melisandia use to say the samr phrase to john " u know nothing j.s"

  9. I didn't occur to me that she could be dead.The fact that she had a ghost-child might add to that argument, but I doubt that she'd bother to 'unglamour' and look so horribly old. Besides, she told Jon that "the dead don't need lovers" when she was trying to seduce him. There certainly is more than she admits about her and the other red witches.

  10. Interesting you mention that she could be dead, as she mentions herself she knew of a priest that bought a man back from the dead and stated "if you want to help him leave him be"! I like the hypothesis and this would explain why she is sooo confident in drinking the poison.

  11. how is her being a slave girl and being show in the present as an old woman a contrast? They can both be true. "Melony" and "Lot Seven" could have taken place almost one hundred years ago, given her non-glamoured appearance in the show.

  12. I think mel will be used as this AA's Nissa Nissa cause the fire is inside her. I think her visions aren't wrong she just misinterprets them. She's looking for AA and tried to make Stannis a Lightbringer. I think she thinks its her purpose but she's not meant to help him make it but she's suppose to make it. She's the only character that wouldn't mind getting stabbed if that's hat AA demands of her.

  13. If shevhad been a slave – in particular a young sex slave to the valerians, then watching the doom from the vantage point of that one surviving island would probably have cemented her faith in the lord of light, which according to other stuff I have read is the many faced god of death by another name


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