

  1. Not going to lie, but in season four you see her fully naked without that neckless talking with Stannis' wife. Just another thing the writers threw in to give her depth. She has enough of it. This scene made me upset…

  2. My theory is that She's the daughter of the night's king (a Stark that ruled the wall)… and a white walker. her mother and father kept the peace between men and white walkers beyond the wall for a long time… until the night's king was murdered by his followers and friends (remind you of someone) ???

  3. Essaddik Manaa
    meh…. it's the act of "taking off the mask", honestly…. we all literally do it, it's just winding down for the night kind of thing.

    when Conan parodied it, they didn't censor the saggy parts for the same reason lol. that's the overall point of the scene, tho. showing the raw side of yourself… even if it is, rather ironically, seen as vulgar lmao.

    humans, yo. we weird. I still don't fully get why Adam and Eve felt the need to cover themselves once they bit from the fruit of knowledge…. just my musings on all this lol.

    we prolly should not label ourselves as vulgar for simply existing tho… just leads to crazy shit later.


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