What will happen when Arya and Melisandre cross paths? Is Melisandre still on Arya’s Kill List? Will Arya kill Melisandre? Will Arya forgive Melisandre? …Or will something else happen?

***SPOILERS thru Season 6 and Book 5***

0:00-0:45 Intro
0:45-2:05 Baratheon House History
2:05-3:40 Maester Cressen’s Assassination Attempt
3:40-5:00 3 Theories on How Melisandre survived the Poisoned Wine
5:00-5:38 Ser Davos’s Assassination Attempt
5:38-6:10 Melisandre Background from the Books
6:10-6:30 Alternate Theory on Arya and Melisandre’s Reunion
6:30-7:27 Melisandre’s Death Prediction

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  1. It just occurred to me that "Valar" and "Morghulis" are both words taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium. Valar is the name given to the gods in the Silmarillion, and Morghul has the meaning "dark sorcery" – as in Minas Morghul, the city of the Ringwraiths on the borders of Mordor.

    Knowing how great a fan George R.R. Martin is of Tolkien (and how his story is obviously influenced in some ways by The Lord of the Rings – for example in having another fat sidekick character called Sam), I wonder if this has any significance. It would appear so, given that the phrase Valar Morghulis is associated with the Faceless Men, who as we know practice sorcery, and it has been linked to other magic users. Perhaps the saying "All Men Must Die" isn't meant to apply solely to men, but to gods too, since the end of the coming great war may see the destruction of both R'hllor and the Great Other. 

    Just my speculation, what do you think?

  2. when meliasandra removed her necklace she became an old woman and it protects her but we can see clearly that she doesnt wear her necklace during having a bath . why wont she turn to old woman in her bath ? its because she lost her faith while she was on the wall ?

  3. I watched Borgias as well as Borgia. One on Showtime, the other on Netflix. I forget which one, but to poison the Pope, they trained his cupbearer by going him lie doses of the poison to get his body ready. As cupbearer, her always drink first and if he lives, then the Pope would drink. I kinda thought that when I saw her drink. That she's immune to poison, having trained for it. You did give opinion on the comment section, so there's mine. I like your final thought on it and had to watch the scene again.

  4. I'm. Not sure. But I think Preston Jacobs did a theory or explanation a year or 2 ago where a servant or person in dragon stone saw Cresent either talk about the poison or preparing it the day before and then Se took antedote.

    It seems to me there is no magic in Planetos only telekinesis and the comet AMPLIFIES IT. Telekinesis and the Laws of attraction are what most people see as "magic"

  5. No, Arya will not kill Melisandre. I find Melisandre such an interesting character. It seems her ultimate goal is a good one; she knows the long night is coming and that the "night is dark and full of terrors". Her religion has the prophesy of Azor Ahai and lightbringer so these are part of her beliefs. Her actions are taken to propel this prophesy forward with the ultimate goal of conquering the Night King and his "terrors" ultimately saving the world of men. Her character arc is similar to Jaimes. Both committed a horrible act against a child, both taken down a notch; Jaime by losing his hand and Meilisandre by her total misinterpretation of the signs. Add in noble characters; Brienne for Jaime, and Jon Snow for Meilsandre and a change can be detected. I think both are on their way to somewhat of redemptive path. I believe Jon Snow will be the one to defeat the Night King, and Melisandre will give the ultimate sacrifice of her power to Jon for him to do it. She will get there…after all, it was in the flames seen by Melisandre, "I look into the flames and all I see is snow",

  6. I think Mel will see a vision in the fire of an assassination attempt by Arya, but she won't be able to see whatever face she is using when she does it thus throwing off her ability to see danger to herself and leading her to a false sense of security. It could possibly be vice versa, where she sees a different face and then recognizes Arya and doesn't understand the vision or the danger to her. She's misread these fire visions before. Just my thoughts. Good video!

  7. I see Mel's role more from a narrative standpoint. She IS the Azor Ahai theory – or rather, the most tin-foil of the Azor Ahai theorists.
    From Stanis, to Jon, and next to Danny, she's looking for the promised one like a rabid fan-girl. She's out to convince herself that she's right about Azor Ahai, which also means convincing the one she thinks is "it." In season 7, she's probably going to be Tyrion's counter; when Tyrion says, "Don't let it go to your head," Mel says, "You are the chosen one."

    And that… I think is about it. Clearly Jon is the Song of Ice and Fire, and the only one who actually cares that winter is here. Mel was wrong. Again. I think she'll live just long enough to realize that she screwed herself out of her own prophecy, just before Davos kills her, as he promised to do the next time they meet.

  8. Melisandre is not on Arya's list anymore. And maybe Melisandre is just immune to poison. She's so old, maybe she had the time to assume little portions of many poisons and gain immunity to them

  9. you seem to have snared me into your web of videos my good sir lol but i have a question. in this video you keep saying when magic leaves/runs out in westoros. what are you refering to, did you make a video on this before hand?

  10. Bridge4, could you do a video explaining Melisandra's dialogue with Arya when they meet "I see eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes, eyes you will shut forever". Clearly melisandra has seen the eyes of the people Arya kills, who's might they be? Blue eyes? Green eyes?


  11. I think primarily Melisandre has little or no abilities herself. The necklace is not inherently magical (i don't think it will work for others). I believe it is a channel for the Lord of Light's powers, and he burned away the poison as she said. He protects her. When she looks into the fire, she sees what the Lord of Light wants her to. Any foresight or hidden knowledge his followers have is because he chooses to tell them. I think he deliberately misleads or provokes people for his own goals. Its yet to be seen what his end goal intentions are though. Its possible the Lord of Light (Fire, Dragons) is moving against the Lord of Darkness (Ice, White Walkers), There are likely ties to Doom of Valyria, and I think Bran will be involved some how, but I'm unsure on who the "bad guy" is, maybe they both are.

  12. Maester Cresson essentially was manipulated into it if Cresson never creates this a giant scene infront of all of Stanis men who all prior to the poisoning gone wrong. where going to be disbanding and heading home with this display of Mel having crazy ancient powerful magic which makes the men believe there's a chance but yeah really read the prologue as soon as you realize that they want Cresson to do this in fact Cresson even says repeatedly how so unlike himself Stanis is treating him being cruel not calling on him any longer slowly pushing him out of the loop so you start to see Cresson being subtle pushed out at the same time Cresson is rethinking his life and how insignificant he was how nothing he did impacted the world's progress and how even if he wasn't being thrown out by Stanis he's much to old to really intact a change worthy enough to live on through the history give his death meaning and then what happens he heres onion knight is back but no one summoned him he must find out Davos basicly tells him what here is what we war with no body will follow there rightful cause and that they are all fucked, then enters In Stanis pretty much says you have no value to me anymore once your opinion and counsel was something I valued and was not totally worthless where now you can't get up a flight of stairs without it taking forever Pylos is younger then I'd like but he'll due tell I can request another Maester so he's showing Cressen that he's going to die a lonely old man in a room he'll be given for years of servive and that he has no value and amounted to nothing boom long con is going to next phase Cressen is simply falling apart mentally at this point he once help shape run and rule with Stanis he was respected admired esteemed Stanis went from making him part of every counsel to asking his views and knowledge to where he's at at this point which was being a thought out and carefully constructed plot to have Cressen do exactly what he does then Cressen is told of the plan to kill Renely and given that he was a father figure he wasn't going to stand around and allow one son to be murdered and the other to become a kin slayer I think Stanis or his wife were who they expected Cressen to actually try to kill Stanis wife enters tells Cressen to suck hairy tits and the king didn't even have to give him plan and that he's washed up and no longer In the game he leaves with the plan to kill Renely not a chance in hell going to be talked out of so he basicly has to get Stanis to drop out of the war to insure Renely lives and Stanis not kingslayer well since Cressen hasn't been being apart of counsels meetings and war room he has no idea that sleeping through that meal would have given his desired out come so as you know we learn about the poison and maesters being trained killers and his strength is all but gone his place at court and access to king and or other men of power will be gone after today and succeed or fail it was then or never with his health and fragile existance a small fall is all that it could take to kill him or essentally paralyzed with his hip fucked up already so fastfoward to diner he's almost instantly spotlighted shamed ridicules they for sure know about the poison Pylos would have saw and known exactly what that was and where they've been grooming Cressen to create a shared belief and fear in the powers and abilities otherwise they'll never consent to war and following orders from a women who calls forth the boner of ever man that sees her so Stanis makes it so they can watch Cressen and command the plays well when it's all said and done and Cresson believes himself witty for creating a way to get poison into her cup keep in mind the are center stage all eyes following them in spotlight all ears listening seeing how this plays out and Cressen is a moron Mel essently nudge nudge back out can't explain now but you can't win, and I know what you did and am not worried Cressen can't even seethe large picture because how fucking awesome they destroy him and he knows somethings up by Stanis cruelty and behavior and fyi that's not what Mel says before but it's as clear as that so she pretty much chugs the whole thing of win leaving Cressen a raindrop sized sip if he'd been smart he would have waited until Mel showed the effects of the poison she was acting so strange that you'd have to wonder and suspect she could know any way if she doesn't look like poison was answer no one can prove you did that he's an old frail man simply drop the cup spill your portion poor fresh cup drink it there not going to say shit and now u can try again if did start showing effects simply knock back ur does you'll die before they could torture you but for any and all that don't believe Mel Stanis and Selys all worked to get Cressen to do excatly what he does for no other reason then make Mel look all powerful buy there loyalty and willingness to come to storms end once Renely dies he's all but won there willingness to follow and his claim and finally be okay with a women being and heading a war campaign should stanis have sailed to storms end with out his banner men even Renely dying doesn't get him new houses no he has to have it at least appear that they had such faith in Stanis and his sexy nuck that is powerful and knows dark magic can't be killed blah ah wow wanna be on new winning side now but with out the men that were going to leave on dragon stone "after diner " Stanis is still not a threat and gives more reason to refuse if his own men won't follow why would the largest army just give him the win perception reread the chapter it will blow your minds pay close attention and what someone says or does and why put yourself in the shoes if need be but it'll be clear

  13. Maesters are definitely against magic, as the believe science is the way. The problem with the maesters is they have their own agenda, one of which is to put an end to magic. Qyburn studied at the Citadel but was banished for doing unapproved experiments. I'm going to guess that it will be the maesters who come to and end, not magic.

  14. Maybe, boringly, it's nothing magical or special after all. Perhaps Melisandre has just built immunity to a variety of poisons by slowly dosing herself. This was actually not a rare thing to do even in the real world. Of course, in those cases, people in positions that uhm.. demanded building immunity would typically only build immunity (well, okay, resistance) only to the more common poisons.

  15. Why do u think Jon must die? I've heard a lot of people say this about Daenerys but not really Jon. I'm curious. I'm hoping magic will be restored myself but that's my fear of the bittersweet ending is no more magic.

  16. Your forgetting the other Maestar, I believe his name is Pylos, is the one who alerts Cressen of the meeting and is left alone in the room, meaning he sees the poison being out and most likely tells Melisandre so that she has an opportunity to take an antidote to the specific poison that Cressen left out so that it will not effect her. This is the most logical reason and I thought based on your second option that this was going to be your 3rd, but you didn't mention the other Maestar who replaces Cressen in the entire video. I gotta check but I think k his name is Pos

  17. Just a guess, but I think that whatever magic that is keeping her alive is also protecting her from various diseases and poisons. First of all, she is very old… some speculate that she is over 300 years old. She is using magic for longevity, and as a side benefit she is not subject to the natural laws of the world. When she was with Jon at Castle Black, he suggested that she was not dressed sufficiently for the cold weather. She responded by demonstrating that her body was quite warm and told him that the Lord of Light protects her from the cold.

    It very well could be the ruby necklace that is responsible for the magical protection. When she lost her faith, she removed the necklace to reveal her true form… maybe she thought that removing the rubies would allow her to die in her sleep…

  18. Amazing video!! So glad I found this channel, I'm binging all your content lol

    Some of my own thoughts coming off of this:
    Since Melisandre revived Jon Snow with magic by praying to the Lord of Light and using his magic, does that mean if she were to die would he too? The same could be said for if Thoros of Myr were to die, would Beric since Thoros' magic keeps him alive?

  19. My personal hope in this show is that the NIght King is actually the good guy (meaning the rest are even worse).
    Check this out: The red god who Mel sees is actually an evil god, the one that destroyed valyria and the Faceless Men worship him. After Valyria he was banished or something and it took the city to be destroyed to even manage it.
    This god is also trying to come back to the world by pretending to be the "good guy" who will stop the white walker, but in reality the whites are only attacking to prevent an evil god from coming back to this world.

    i know its kinda loose and all over the place, but it would be quite fun.

  20. It's #2. And the maester leaves the poison out on his desk while he naps. He oversleeps (probably not coincidence) and in that time, Mel finds out what poison he has on his desk. Whether it was her or someone else who saw it, that's how she knew which antidote to take.

  21. If you don't start making Cosmere theory videos, I'm going to riot! How often do you find someone who has talent for making videos and has a name based on your favorite series? There are TONS of things you could tap into for Stormlight alone.

  22. I think that her pendant is simply stealing lifes.
    Because Maester drank first ruby simply took his life and he died because of this (not because of poison) and gave it to Mellisandre (i mean his life) when she drank a poison she simply lost a life that she steal from Maester.


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