Welcome back for another Character Breakdown video that I recorded with my friend GrayArea. Today we will be discussing Melisandre and her potential role during The Great War.. Now that The Long Night is here and the Night King is through The Wall everyone in The North will need all the help they can get. We last saw Melisandre on Dragonstone speaking with Varys and she told him she was going to Volantis but she would return. We are hoping Melisandre returns with Kinvara or The Fiery Hand. There are a few other possible scenarios but these are some of the things we focused on in this video. Hopefully Melisandre returns from Volantis in time to help Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen defeat the Night King.. Let us know what you think. Put any interesting ideas you may have down below. Thank you for watching!

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Outro Music: Light of the Seven Remix



  1. 1.) Varys would only betray Dany if he believes she is on a set path to becoming the mad queen as he remembers how horrific the Mad King's rule was. Even if Varys does betray Dany it's hard to imagine a scenario in which he would choose Cersie over Jon. That would be idiotic and damage the quality of this highly intelligent character. He will most likely die as a result of trying to defeat the Others in his own way. I can see him sacrificing himself because he though of a way to defeat the Night's King.

    2.) Melisandre will not have to worry about being killed by Davos. By the time she returns Weserosi forces will be so depleted that Jon will reluctantly welcome her back. I believe he will need to use her to forge Light Bringer. At first I thought Jon would use Dany for that but now that she is pregnant it's unlikely he would sacrifice Dany in this way.

  2. Please re-watch when Jon was at Dragonstone and see the face of Varys when Jon showed to be less impetuous than Dany, it seamed like he thinks, this guy could really be the king. He shows more of a good king behavior that Dany. And remember more than be a king Jon is always thinking in the people, always think in others (and the others also) but he shows more of a leader than Dany. Nice job both of you.

  3. I don't think things are going to go so well when Dany learns that Jon is a Targaryen. "For gold…" this betrayal was Jorah Mormont and Doreah, both of whom betrayed her for gold. "Once for blood…." was probably Mari Maz Dur who betrayed her in revenge for her people being murdered. "Once for love…" has to involve Jon or – and this is a stretch – might involve Jon betraying Daenerys in order to save the child. I dunno. But I do know that Dany isn't going to take kindly to Jon being the true King of Westeros.

  4. I have a theory that Melisandre will accompany the Golden Company to King's Landing and present herself to Cersei as an ally but in reality will secretly be a mole for Jon and Daenerys and will bring about the fiery destruction of the capital.

  5. please don't forget the very important kinvara – line! she said to varys:
    if u are on daenerys side, u have no reason to be scared.. (or something like this)
    and then he looked absolute over-scared..

  6. Varys has already betrayed Dany, and then flat out lied to Dany about his betrayal to her when questioned last season. (Who sent the assassins to kill her and her unborn child? Varys said he was just following orders from the king. That is a cover lie. Varys is the one that put those wheels into motion by informing the King of Dany’s pregnancy. Varys and Illyrio wanted Drogo’s army to move faster to invade Westeros. They were not moving because of the impending pregnancy. What better way to get Drogo moving by killing his wife and child? Varys knew exactly what to do and what actions King Robert would take. Even when Ned told him that King Robert had called off the assassins, Varys claimed it was too late. Another lie.)
    Who is Varys anyways? Is he really a “He”? Could it be that he really is a female Blackfyre? Wanting the throne and Dany’s dragons for himself? Like Kinvara said, “You have nothing to fear of me. As long as we are both serving the same Queen.” I took that as a hint of the fact that Varys, if he is a female Blackfyre, has been vying for that throne for his own self and only falsely supporting Dany’s claim to the throne.

  7. I think it's a little bit of a leap (more of a hop, really) to think that Varys dying in this land has to be because of something nefarious. Dying in this land just means that when he inevitably dies, for whatever reason, it won't be elsewhere. Prophesies are dangerous and slippery tools for both wise men and fools.

  8. Gray Area has really made a great point I never thought of. I'm regards to Danny, finding out who Jon is and if she will accept it. From the time they met, she fell in love with him and later getting to know he's her blood will make her happier. Because whatever she is sacrificing for won't go in vain or using her army to fight for the North when she can decide to sail back to where she already conquered. And if she happens to be preganat before the news breaks up, she will be happy because after all they will have a Targayrian baby. When it comes to ruling, women can sacrifice for their other half. Jon on the other side is the one who will find it hard to process. It will be hard to accept who he is and also talking of embracing the incest culture. Thank you Gray Area. Great point!!!!

  9. I am just a lonley game of thrones fan who has no one to talk to about the show ;(. Your videos are always the best talking thrones but I still feel bad cause I can't find people to talk about my opinions of the show


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