New York Times? More like the PooPoo Pork Rinds … eh. Anyway, welcome to a laid back edition of whatever the hell this show is at this point. Today we’re gonna be looking into an article that’s been making the rounds in the SKEPTOSPHERE!

I’d type the name of the article here but I have a strong feeling having those words in my description will get me demonetized, so here’s the link to the original instead. Have fun! ►




  1. So, accusations are flying around a few people in an industry which attracts narcissistic attention whores of all stripes and they decide that men as a sex are the problem, what else is new. When any industry is revealed to have any sort of sexual misconduct going on, their first go to response is to throw half the victims/perpetrators into the abyss blame male nature.
    Well, there is one industry which would find itself staffed entirely by women were they not the perpetrators. In juvenile detention facilities, 42% of the staff account for 95% of the rapes. If those 42% were men you can bet your life they would all be reassigned. It's a paedo paradise, and as with schools the females have all the access to kids that fiu. But does the protective instinct towards the female child override that of
    I don't know if links are allowed or marked as spam so just look up "Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities Reported by Youth, 2008-09 " if you're interested.

  2. Overall quality: 9/10. Pulls out a shotgun of some sort. Airsoft maybe? Obviously acts like he shoots it using sound effects. Then the sound of casings of either a rifle or a pistol dropping on concrete happen (in the woods). Not only are shotgun shells not brass all the way, but shooting one shot doesnt make the sound of several shells hitting the geound. I dont even care i just thought id pause the video because i noticed. Im a gun freak.

  3. what is funny is by saying men would kill their fathers and sleep with their mothers she is basically saying all men have an Oedipus complex which is a mental disorder and it is also found in women but thy want to kill their mom and sleep with their dad and that is called the Electra complex

  4. and here I was thinking fairytales were sexist against women, now I've learnt they're equally sexist to both sexes. Thanks feminism. Interpret the same thing in different ways so as to come to a conclusion that backs up what you're saying at the time


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