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  1. (Sigh) All you people here thinking Mira should refuse. This is WESTEROS. Mira dying does what? Save a servant boy? Honourable I suppose, but absolutely pointless. Her death would have no meaning. Alive she can accomplish much more. She can help her family, AND work to avenge Tom.

  2. if telltales manages to make a good continuation from season 1 and everyone's decision really did matter at the end of season amd really brought over to season 2. Then Telltale games would be the best gaming company ever.

  3. Even if Mira doesn't kill the guard, Tom still "magically" finds a way to escape his. From the looks of it, Tom either had help, or killed that guard by himself. There was NO way he escaped by himself. He was drowning! Either way, I don't trust Tom. He never tells Mira his true intentions or who he's working for. Plus he gets fussy with Mira when she tries to ditch him. He's hiding something.

  4. I only came here to see what happens. It's just so sad… But it seems like the more realistic choice. Having said that, screw being realistic! This poor boy risked everything for us! He didn't have to, but he did. And this is the thanks he gets? I know this is just an option, I just think it's very sad. But what should I expect? It's GOT after all. And a Telltale Game to boot.

  5. Yup. Don't care that Mira died. No reason for her to accept that proposal. It's a Sansa situation all over again if she does. And you get the added guilt trip of hearing Tom plead for his life to Mira. You know, the b!tch he risked his neck for time and time again? Nope, can't do it.
    "I'd rather die."

  6. That's how you play the game, but there's one thing he forgot, as long as there is one appointed lord that lives, he cannot claim lordship of Ironrath. So if either Asher or Rodrick lives, he can't. Meaning that there's a chance for Mira to work around this. Playing the Game means you'll do things you'll hate yourself for, but the point is to survive, to go above your station. Huh, I just notice, this reminds of house Harkonnen from Dune. They love to plan, plans within plans within those plans. Always a way out, always a backup. Most of the time.

  7. Mira might have escaped in the end, but I let her die even though i liked her very much. There is no way I could let little Tom die. All he did was help you the whole game through, without thinking of himself even once. I could not betray him like that. He is the sweetest little person with the best heart in the whole game!

  8. Everyone is saying how it would be easy to escape Morgyn, and how marrying him really isn't that bad because there would be so many chances to get away. But this scene with Tom screaming for Mira just breaks my heart. I love Mira, but there is no way I could let Tom die. Honestly that was the only reason I refused the marriage.

  9. I choose to die, not because of Tom but because the Mira I played would rather die than be married to that scum bag. It seemed an unfitting ending for such a strong female character to be sentenced to a lifetime of sexual slavery.

  10. The reason I refused this offer was mainly because I didn't want Morgryn to have access to the ironwood. When him and Mira spoke earlier I made the argument that the Whitehills couldn't craft the ironwood properly and it would pretty much be wasted and gone if they continued with it, which he said was a good point. If Mira refuses the offer, you take away a great deal of power that Morgryn could have gained through her.
    And for people who say that she could live and be a spy on Morgryn for her house, or wait for her brothers to rescue her – there are only 2 of her brothers left alive, plus her sister. The house has fallen, and the ones alive aren't enough to save her and risk having another house hunt them down as well.

  11. So, no matter if you do everything else right, even if you end up betraying Sera to have Margaery's support, you still have to choose between dying and betraying poor Tom? (Whom I personally like more than Sera)

  12. Same here, I'd rather die if it would cost Tom his life! It just isn't fair to him. He has done to much for Mira already, far more than enough as a friend. And Mira is going to feel guilty for the rest of her life!

  13. Could somebody help me understand something? I just bought game of thrones on Ps4. I'm at the beginning where there's a fight out if nowhere. Why are they fighting? I've got never watched the show I don't have HBO on att u verse and it bites. Who really are the bad guys on the show?

  14. Sooo…what actually happens if you never killed Damien in episode 2, and you got rid of the knife, and you were loyal to Maegery the whole time? Because if you get the same outcome as this, that is total bullshit.

  15. I used Rodrik as a lawful good (he died saving Asher) Gared as a Chaotic Good, Ethan as a True Neutral, Asher as a Lawful/Chaotic Neutral and Mira as my Lawful Evil that's why I had this ending for Mira.

  16. I guess I'm the only one who went hopeless romantic on this one and kinda thinks there is a way for them to make it work. A lot of people shipped Mirgryn before the last episode and most of them stopped after, but there are still people that think this is a very interesting situation. I mean I'm totally all for the cheesy clichés like "bad guy changes because of girl". Please don't hate on my opinion. For the record, I did get pretty upset about Tom, but I'd rather have Mira alive.


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