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The Spartans are immortalized in history as super soldiers bred for war. However most of what we think we know about them is a lie. Today we will unmask the truth behind the Spartan Myth.

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Documentary Credits:
Research: Dr Roel Konijnendijk
Script: Invicta
Artwork: Milek J
Editing: Invicta
Music: Total War OST, Soundnote

Documentary Bibliography:
The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-heroes of Ancient Greece
by Paul Anthony Cartledge
Nigel Kennell, Spartans: A New History (2010)
S. Hodkinson, Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta (2000)
J. Ducat, Spartan Education: Youth and Society in the Classical Period (2006)
S.M. Rusch, Sparta at War: Strategy, Tactics and Campaigns, 550-362 BC (2011)
E. Rawson, The Spartan Tradition in European Thought (1969)
S. Hodkinson & I.M. Morris (eds.), Sparta in Modern Thought (2012)



  1. Herodotus is such a terrible writer, disgusting bias and lies in his writing…apparntly Nigerians have black semen according to Herodotus, and that Africa has ants the size of dogs..uhh thats just the 2 I remember but yeah. This guy..only reason he is used as a primary source is cos there is like no other well preserved sources.

  2. So the real Spartans were more like a Proud Politician Race than warriors XD
    Which is actually an interesting inspiration for fictional societies as well when you think of it, thoough anything set in more modern times would need an alternative to the slave workers, perhaps robots.

  3. Well,since others are pointing out stuff I would just like to point out that: No Ancient sources mention group training exercises…Wuuut? Spartans were hoplites in the end and fought in fish scale formation,that means if you dont fight in harmony with others,you create a breach for the enemy and you all dead.So the whole training is group training.It didnt matter how much you killed but how good you held the line.Also no weapon training? How can you go to war without knowing how to use a sword.This phd guy really wants to bring spartans down but whatever,they are still more badass than his vikings

  4. Please do a video to dispell the myths of the Aztecs. Many claim them as an unfairly conquered people, whose civilization was minding its own business till the spanish came.

  5. "Myth" is too strong (and "clickbait-y") a word, and this video is itself a cherry-picked narrative. The thing with history is that is occurs over a long time. We know that Sparta did not exist eternally in the past, and we are not ruled by Sparta today, so of course there must have been a "rise" and "fall." The superior military reputation of Argos and the Battle of Champions all occurred prior to the "rise," when Sparta defeated Argos in 544 BC, while the Battle of Leuktra in 371 BC marks the "fall," by which time the earlier martial traditions had already been severely diluted. Sparta held military dominance between those dates, and it is this period, between the "rise" and "fall," for which it is remembered in today's popular culture. Events during this period, such as the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC), actually occurred and are not myths. (Other issues such as helots are tangential, since Sparta is not remembered for egalitarianism in the first place.)

  6. Leonidas wasn't as useless as you said ffs.

    The reason he stayed despite knowing Sparta itself and his small force of about 10,000 men in total could not hold a force 12x it's size at 120,000 men. However, he too knew that if he was to just back out and retreat, the entire of Greece would be overrun as all other states were either still preparing or were frantically trying to ready up forces to fight Xerxes and those forces at that fateful battle, even if they failed, would have bought time for the other states to prepare. With the victorious spirits of Marathon still rising high and mighty in the Greeco hearts, it's hard for them to even think of "retreat". Besides, Thermopylae was the best to hold on for time as it has the cliffs to it's west, sea to the east and a passageway of only about 200m apart from the sea and the cliffs thus it's the best spot to fight and if the Greeco formation was to retreat, they'll lose this great element.

  7. Wow… this is just too one-sided. I mean, general "knowledge" is pro-spartan one-sided, but this is just the opposite. It may contain more truth that the commonly accepted view, but you went too far. No mention (that I remember) of maybe the most important greek war, the Peloponnesian War, which Sparta won, making them the hegemonic power for over 30 years (until Leuctra). No mention that their women had more rights than most greek women, and they also trained. No mention of Thucydides and other historians who spoke highly about their military, and yes, they could be wrong or exaggerating, but you need hard evidence to prove that, and a random PhD in history (no disrespect intended) is not nearly enough for that. Xenophon lived in this time and admired the spartans, being an athenian. It's like you say that they became militaristic after Thermopylae, but there is evidence that that started around the 6th century B.C. Their training was hard, their food scant, they were supposed to steal without being discovered, they HAD to be militaristic because the helots (which weren't slaves in the usual sense of the word) were far more numerous (7:1 ratio around Leonidas time), you depicted the spartans almost as aristocrats living a lavish life, and this makes no sense. They needed to be bred for war, or close, to sustain their unique social structure. You would need to re-explain a lot of things to sustain this "new view". Why they had no walls? I could go on but I will leave it there… but why nobody EVER says that the spartans had 2 fucking kings, for fucks sake!!! You had an opportunity at 12:45, "Kings (2 men)".

  8. And, modern Western society is more heavily influenced by the Achaemenid Empire than any Greek city state (other than Athens). Especially when it comes to tolerance and human rights. Cyrus the great did pay (from his personal coffers) for the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

  9. dude you're a gigantic fag. I can't stand your voice, nothing you say sounds credible bc you just sound like a millennial hipster snowflake. you try too hard to sound like you know what you're talking about but you just sound like gonorrhea. TL;DR didn't finish video bc snowflakes


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