But that doesn’t apply to anyone around here, right?

According to a survey conducted by micro-investing app company Acorns, a whopping 75% of Americans — specifically, Americans between the ages of 18 and 44 — would give up watching the final six episode of Game of Thrones for a measly $1,000. Not even going to hold out for castle? Bronn would be so disappointed.

That wasn’t the only thing respondents offered to give up in exchange for some cold hard cash. Seventy-five percent said they would give up coffee for a year for the same $1000. The same amount would forego using the internet for a week.

That one doesn’t sound too hard. Of course, without the internet, how would you rewatch Game of Thrones?  I guess if you gave up Thrones, at least you wouldn’t be depressed anymore.

What do you guys think? Would you skip season 8 for a grand?

In other things that make you go “ha,” YouTube user steve continues his trek through every episode of Game of Thrones…in no particular order. This go-round, steve watches the penultimate episode of season 1, “Baelor,” aka the One Where Ned Dies. Obviously, this is a big one. Let’s see how it goes.

Hilarious. And sad. Sad-larious.

It’s also interesting to hear steve’s take on the Arya-Sansa conflict in season 7, which he saw before he watched this episode. “So [Sansa’s] still sticking with Joffrey even though he wants to kill her dad. That really explains why [Arya] hates [Sansa] for so much of this show.” I know fans had problems with the Arya-Sansa tension at Winterfell, but I wonder if we’re not giving enough weight to the feelings of resentment Arya has been carrying around ever since this moment.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday!

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h/t The Street



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