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  1. Cersei is stupid. Tyrion always knew it, and Oleynna told her so. " Whatever he is now, he is completely in service to Cersei (and Qyburn), and serves them in silence. Qyburn claims that he has vowed not to speak until King Tommen's enemies and all evil are gone from the realm. It is at least as likely that he is no longer capable of speech, not that he spoke much before anyway. who really killed Tommen. Tommen killed Tommen. His mother helped. Why does The Mountain need to get justice for Tommen if Cersei had already killed them all with with wild fire. And let's face it Tommen didn't really have much enemies. He was a sweet naive boy. Qyburn is playing Cersei's silly ass like a fiddle.

  2. Out of all the leaked scripts I've read, and spoiler vids I've seen, nothing I remember seeing was about The Mountain zombie. Actually, nothing about either Clegane other than a convo with Brienne. I'm def curious about what happens. I won't mention my guess because it's based off from things that are leaked. But I don't see a Clegane Bowl in the show, but in the books I do. And can't wait!!

  3. What if it goes the other way. That Varyas is loyal to Quiburn or possibly a union between them where varyas takes the throne and Quiburn has some other agreed upon role .In season 7 , it seems like things turn to shit for daney when Varyas is around. How did euron know where the iron fleet would be and that he'd be able to get a valuable dornish "gift" for ceresi .How did ceresi know the unsullied would strike castley rock. We know Varyas wants the iron throne from is banter with little finger in season 1. Maybe he's trying to weaken both sides and slide into the throne.

  4. The mountain is feared only because of his size and not because of his skills at least as per the show. It was depicted quite well in the show when oberyn defeated him. That scene did not have anything to highlight his fighting skills.

  5. Vary's heard that only a Targaryen can/will bring peace to the Kingdoms and defeat the White Walkers. Everything he has done has been to that end.

    Jamie is going to be captured and let go by Tyrion, but when he goes back to KL Cersei will get The Mountain to kill him thinking he's there only to kill/betray her.

  6. the scene of Arya sparring with Brienne is a foreshadowing of when Arya reaches the climax of why she has become the lethal fighter that she is now. She is going to fight and kill Ser Gregor Clegane who is on her list. Remember the conversation during the gladiator fights as to which is better, a big strong fighter or a small but quick and nimble one? In that scene, the big and strong won to the disappointment of many, but in the Arya vs. The Mountain, the artist will win over brute force.

  7. I like that Cersei would be betrayed three times by her lover/brother, her advisor and her protector…can't think of a character who would deserve it more other than as you pointed out, the Mountain is just as dishonorable and bloodthirsty as she is and deserves a brutal death as well! Can't wait to see both of them get what is due them! Thanks for the theories, I hope you are right!


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