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Some of the most memorable scenes in Hollywood history were actually unscripted, adding a flicker of authenticity to an otherwise artificial — yet finely crafted — final product. These would-be “bloopers” were too good to leave on the cutting room floor, so the directors kept them in the final edit instead, where they live on as rare glimpses of actors dropping their masks, if only for a moment…

Django Unchained | 0:21
Blade Runner | 0:58
The Hateful Eight | 1:29
True Lies | 2:10
Midnight Cowboy | 3:00
Annie Hall | 3:32

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  1. I call BS on Woody Allen – he brings the case up to his mouth when he sneezes and it's not even a funny bit – and Hoffman. Movie sets are highly controlled in large cities or you would never get a shot. No way they filmed the two main characters – with sound equipment and everything – crossing a street without blocking traffic.

  2. I remember thinking that scene in True Lies was scripted because it really fits with his wife being clumsy and Arnold's reaction seemed genuine because he was a caring husband and was worried she got hurt.  Surprised after so many years later to learn it was all an accident.

  3. I can believe all of them except for the Woody Allen one….as he is sneezing, he even raises the container of cocaine to his face to make sure it blows out more when he sneezes. People who truly sneeze like that, still have enough time to either turn their head, or move away the container to KEEP from doing what Allen did, if they truly did not want to do it. Or at least, they try to, which would show in the video. But that was fake – if Allen tried to claim that that was a true blooper, then he was being disingenuous……

  4. In Platoon, when Elias died, there were supposed to be bloodbags exploding but there was a fault and there were no blood puffs.
    But Willem Dafoe acted in such a convincing way that the director dicided to keep it anyways.

  5. I have seen that scene with Al Pacino and I still think it's staged…Usually the movie shoot is a "Closed Set" and with guards…So the taxi got by somehow? Still even if not staged, then the lines afterward "That's another good way to to pick up some insurance" sure sounds like it was intentional….

  6. In The Usual Suspects the part where Redfoot flicks the cigarette into Stephen Baldwins face was real. It was suppose to go into his chest but you know flicking a cigarette isn't exactly a Olympic category. The looks on the actors faces were real and they kept filming so it made it in the final cut.

  7. Some of them are obviously not bloopers but planned. For example the sneeze – Woody is a fraud. Also the Arnold's reaction could be natural, but "the fall" was fake and bad.


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